Thursday, October 20, 2011

Manly Smells

A few months back a friend told me about a business idea he had... it sounded like a good one - man candles. Yes, man candles... real man candles not bath and body works chick candles - Candles that smell like things men enjoy. I got a sneak sniff of the candles before they went to market... Johnny was on to something!
Then Johnny gave me three sample candles to enjoy and share. I have done both! My favorite 2 scents are Humidor (described by the maker as "the relaxing aroma of pipe tobaacco and cedar) and Parlor ("the distinctive fragrances of a classic barbershop).
I am proud to say that Valor Candles for Men now has an office at The 567, just down the hall from my office. I recommend their candles to you because I like them. Buy one. Support a new downtown business. And make your home or office smell manly... in a good way.

PS My wife enjoys the manly smells as well!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


We'll take a break from The Gospel of Mark until January beginning 10.16.11
Foundations: exploring the Mission and Vision of New City Church.

This series will also serve as our next New City Class. For those interested in Partnering with New City Church, we'll have a partnership Q and A 11.6.11 following our main gathering.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Church Planter Round Tables

round table - noun \'raun(d)-ta-bel
a conference for discussion or deliberation by several participants.

New City Church downtown will begin hosting monthly round tables for church planters (0-1yrs in) answering basic church planting questions:
Why Plant? Biblical reasons, Practical reasons, Statistical reasons... Why are YOU planting?
What to Plant? (Missional? Incarnational? Traditional? What will your church look like?
Who Should Plant? (The marks of a church planter)
Where to Plant?
When to Plant? (What should be in place for a church launch?)
How to Plant? (Methodologies, Systems, Structures, Financing...)

FOR: planters of a newer church (0-1 yr), or those preparing to plant a church as well as their team members and leaders.

First Round Table:
Saturday, November 5, 9:30am
Topic - Why Plant A New Church?
@ The 567 / 533 Cherry Street / Macon, GA 31210
For More information email:

Thanks Dylan

Because I really like this...

4 Types of Staff Members, by Perry Noble

#1 – “Can Do”

This is the person that if you tell them you want to land a 747 on the stage of your church they immediately begin to brainstorm as to how it can be done. They have a fire and passion and really do believe that NOTHING is impossible with God.

However, they ARE realistic! I have several members on the team I serve with that will say, “I love that idea Perry, now, let me tell you what it will take in order for that to happen,” and then they proceed to tell me the things that I may not be aware of in regards to the implementation of the vision. They aren’t saying we can’t do it…they just want me to know all that it is going to take.

I LOVE THIS…I love it when staff are realistic…every leader should.

#2 – “Can’t Do”

Many times these people like to refer to themselves as “the devils advocate,” they are always finding reasons things can’t get done and seem to bring a negative tone to every meeting they are in. I have said it before, I will say it again…the devil does not need a freakin advocate, he is doing fine all by himself. The person that is always saying that something can’t be done is USUALLY saying so because if the vision that is being cast is put into play then it will cause either a greater amount of work for them…OR require them to leave their comfort zone.

These people drain the crap out of you and are not an asset to your team!

#3 – “Won’t Do”

These are the people on staff that are more obsessed with their gifting than their calling…and so if they are asked to do something that isn’t in line with their perceived gift then they refuse to do it. (Which in case their “gift” has now became their idol!)

If a staff member (including the senior pastor) isn’t willing to do whatever it takes to make the vision happen then that team will NEVER accomplish all that it could accomplish. If someone on staff makes it a common practice to declare what they will not do in regards to executing the vision of the church then they are not pursuing Jesus (who washed feet in John 13) and need to be confronted in love and challenged that our gifting does make us unique…but we all have the same calling, to do whatever it takes to reach as many people as possible who are far from God.

#4 – “Didn’t Know I Could Do”

The disciples had no idea they could do what they wound up doing until a leader came along (Jesus) who was constantly challenging them to go beyond themselves and attempt the “impossible.”

John Mark had no idea of what he was capable of until Barnabas believed in him.

Timothy was just a guy in the church until the Apostle Paul spotted greatness in him and asked him to assist him in his ministry.

And there are people in our churches and on our staff that are able to do way more than they are currently doing…they just are unaware of it because a leader has never dared to believe in them nor challenged them to leave their comfort zone.

It is a powerful thing when the people believe in their leader…it is even a more powerful thing when a leader believes in the people he has been given stewardship over.