Wednesday, April 4, 2007

the BIG question - MOTIVE?

Here it is, the BIG question - am I desiring to plant this church out of frustration with how things are or are not where I am, or is there more? What is my motivation? This one can be tough. I thought and prayed thru this for a while - off and on for months.
Here's where I settled...
The Church I am at is a good church with some great people and a great staff. Its just not me, you know, square peg - round hole. God is using this church to expand His kingdom and reach people. People are growing in Christ. Good stuff - Not perfect (as if a church start would be). God will continue to reach people - there are people who are attracted to this church style, just not me (and I believe a host of others). So, with that said, I am not frustrated - just out of place.
Do I still want to plant a church? Yes!
While our church is effective for some, the fact remains true that there is a whole culture that traditional church isn't reaching. I want to reach them. I want to find a way to get the gospel to them in a relevant way. I want to see them come to Christ - to worship - to grow - to serve - and to reach others > to be transformed. And - I want my current church to succeed as well - reaching the people that it is able to converse with or connect with.
No hard feelings, no anger