Friday, February 8, 2008

Dwell - 4/29-4/30

I am registered and plane ticket purchased!!! Check out the lineup below - WOW

"This is shaping up to look like nothing we have ever done before. We are making it more experiential and transformational, rather than informational. In other words, you can't get it all by downloading sessions. We have been consulting with both conference experts and with PhD's in adult learning styles." Scott Thomas

The schedule is below. dwell – urban church planting conference New York City - April 29-30, 2008 160 Central Park West New York, NY 10023

April 29
9:00-9:20 Emcee welcome Emcee crowd interview Worship (3 songs) led by Tim Smith

9:20-9:50 - CJ Mahaney: Dwelling in the Cross
9:50-10:05 - Table Talk based on CJ's talk 10:05-10:15 - CJ gets table responses and wraps up 10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-10:45 Emcee dialogue component

10:45-11:15 Ed Stetzer: Dwelling in the Kingdom
11:15-11:40 Table talk 11:40-11:45 Emcee collects questions
11:45-12:10 Ed responds

12:10-1:10 Lunch and Acts 29 Workshop

1:10-1:25 Emcee dialogue component* Worship (2 songs)

1:25-2:00 Darrin Patrick: Dwelling with non-Christians

2:00-6:00 NYC Experience (participants break into 10 groups to experience a NYC venue to examine how to contextualize the gospel)

6:00-7:00 Dinner (on own)

7:00-7:15 3 Worship songs
7:15-7:30 3 reports from 3 of the City Life experiences – 3 mins / max

7:30-8:00 Mark Driscoll: dwelling in the text
8:00-8:25 Table talk: 2 Critical questions
8:25-8:30 Emcee collects questions
8:30-8:55 Mark responds

8:55-9:00 One worship song & Benediction to close.

9:05 to dawn church planters wreak havoc on the Upper West Side

April 30

9:00-9:20 Emcee welcome Emcee crowd interview Worship (3 songs)

9:20-9:50 - CJ Mahaney: Dwelling in Humility
9:50-10:05 - Table Talk
10:05-10:15 - CJ gets table responses and wraps up talk.

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-10:50 Tim Keller: Dwelling in the Gospel
10:50-11:05 Table talk – 2 Critical questions fashioned by Tim.

11:05-11:25 Tim Keller – Part 2 of Dwelling in the Gospel
11:25-11:50 Q&A 11:50-12:00 3 reports from 3 of the City Life experiences – 3 mins / max

12:00-1:00 Lunch and Redeemer Workshop

1:00-1:20 Emcee – Dialogue component* Worship (3 songs)

1:20-1:50 Mark Driscoll: Dwelling thru the Text
1:50-2:05 Table talk or Q&A
2:05-2:15 Mark gets responses from groups and then wraps up.

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-3:00 Tim Keller: Dwelling in the Gospel
3:00-3:25 Table talk: 1 Question given by Tim and then one question that each table generates to ask panel during Q&A.

3:25-3:30 Emcee gets reports from tables
3:30 – 4:30 Panel discussion with Mark Driscoll and Tim Keller