Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Acts 29 and the GBC

Recently, Jason Martin, lead pastor at the Journey Church in Atlanta shared with me that the local Baptist association is discussing steps to remove the Journey from their association of churches - the West Metro Baptist Association. The concern from the Baptist association is the Journey's affiliation with the Acts 29 network and their position concerning the consumption of alcoholic beverages (that the Bible teaches moderation not abstinence).

As a result of the conversation with the local association leader, Jason scheduled a time to talk with the Georgia Baptist Convention's (GBC) New Church Development leader, Butch Butcher. Jason's discussion with Mr. Butcher was described by Jason as gracious, but not good as far as the Journey's future with the GBC. According to Jason he was informed that the GBC will no longer support new churches that plan to affiliate with the Georgia Baptist Association and the Acts 29 Network. Current church plants receiving funding from the GBC who are affiliated with Acts 29 will continue to receive any promised funding, but no new churches will be added with dual affiliation. (New City does NOT receive funding from the GBC). Neither will they (the GBC) partner in events with Acts 29 churches.

The statements made seem to possibly flow from controversy in the Missouri Baptist Convention as well as fundamentalists rumblings in the Southern Baptist Convention. Some of those rumblings were voiced as proposed resolutions at the SBC's recent annual meeting in Louisville, KY. Those resolutions were:

that “all SBC entities should monitor” funds spent in “activities related to or cooperative efforts with Mark Driscoll and/or the Acts 29 organization” and entity heads should submit a report of expenditures to appear in the 2010 Book of Reports, submitted by Kent Cochran, a messenger from Calvary Baptist Church in Republic, Mo.

that SBC entities avoid “inviting event speakers” who “are known for publicly exhibiting unregenerate behavior ... such as cursing and sexual vulgarity, immorality, or who publicly state their support for the consumption or production of alcohol,” submitted by Ida South, a messenger from First Baptist Church in Mathiston, Miss

that author Mark Driscoll’s books be removed from LifeWay Christian Bookstores because of his “reputation for abusive and ungodly language and ... promotions of sex toys on his church web site,” submitted by Jim Wilson, pastor, First Baptist Church in Seneca, Mo.

While the resolutions did not pass, they do demonstrate the conflict within the denomination. New City is affiliated with the Macon Baptist Association, which also affiliates us with the Georgia Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention and we are 100% Acts 29.