Friday, September 18, 2009

Acts 29 Boot Camps

I just returned from Houston, TX and the Endure Boot Camp. Boot Camps are always great - for attendees as well as for assessors. I went primarily to help assess those men and their wives who were applying for membership into the Acts 29 network.
I encourage anyone remotely interested in planting a church to check out the Media Page on the A-29 web site. From the Endure Boot Camp, my must hear sessions are: Bruce Wesley - the Enduring Legacy, Rick White - Idols of Church Planting, Matt Chandler - whatever Matt's topic was, and Barry Keldie - Enduring Suffering. All of the sessions I heard were really good - these were just some highlights.

November 10 - 11 in Louisville, KY will be the final boot camp of the year - Ambition. It is shaping up to be one of the best! Check out the line up of speakers:
Matt Chandler
Darrin Patrick
Ed Stetzer
Steve Timmis
Look at a few of the BreakOuts:

1. Church Planting track (Church Planting from the Ground Up) – from the trenches, for the trenches

a. 12:30-1:20 Kevin Jamison: Core development

b. 1:30-2:20 : Vision & Values (Great Church or Great City?)

2. Total Church track: Steve Timmis

a. Session #1: 12:30-1:20

b. Session #2: 1:30-2:20

3. 12:30-2:20 Wives’ track (Jani Ortlund, Karen Chong)

4. 12:30-2:20 Worship track

Tim Smith, Mike Cosper, Mark Heinrich, Kevin Twit, Sandra McCracken

5. Pastor as Resident Theologian

Ray Ortlund – Revival (When God Comes to Church)

Bruce Ware*/Trey Herwick – Manhood/Womanhood

Greg Allison/Reid Monaghan

Tom Schreiner*/Kevin Larson*

2:30pm Session #3: “The Church & Ambition” Steve Timmis


Boot Camps are required for those desiring to plant a church with Acts 29 but are open to anyone! REGISTER early - this one should fill up.