Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I fought it for years - not wanting to be connected - I was already waaaaayyyyy to connected - computer at work, laptop at home, laptop on vacation, laptop at conferences...
Then I got a semi-smart phone. It could get and send e-mail, do important mobile stuff like twitter and facebook. With that I could get and receive e-mail from anywhere (yes anywhere - because unlike AT&T Verizon has real nationwide coverage). But - I couldn't do much online and I couldn't open documents - and a few other things that just 10 years ago no one could do from anywhere - except a cold room with walls lined with giant computers (OK maybe 20 years ago).
Well - today I purchased a SMART phone - I think. It seems smart. Smarter than my first 3 computers - able to do 100 times as much as my 1st laptop. Now I can be connected, surf the web, do research, shoot and upload video, take 5 mega pixel pics (with a flash), call you, receive your call, get driving instructions, shop e-bay and more - all at the same time - from ANYWHERE.
wondering if this was really a good purchase.