Friday, March 5, 2010

Macon, ReDevelopment, and 3rd Places

I ran across this blog post at the newly discovered . I love the article. Where's your Third Place?

The third place

The first place is your home. The second place is your workplace. The

third place is where you hang out in between. Ray Oldenburg wrote the book on it.

A cool town is full of great third places. If you aren’t motivated to leave home or your workplace, chances are you don’t live around too many successful third places.

The UK has long had the concept of the third place down pat. While staying with a friend in the small town of Streatley-Goring in England, I’d usually find him at “The Bull”, a small pub across the street (literally). There he was, laughing it up with his good friends or playing a game of darts amid philosophic discussion. This was available to him whenever he felt like walking 50 yards. In fact, during my stay there it was available to me as well, as they made me feel right at home. Now that’s what a third place is all about.

Keep up with third place trends right here.