Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tangibly Impacting Our City - Main Street Press Release

Business incubator takes shape at The 567 Center for Renewal

Macon, GA -- Wednesday, November 16 at 3:00 p.m. will mark a milestone in the life of The 567 Center for Renewal located at 533 Cherry Street. The organization works for the revitalization of Downtown Macon through access to music and the arts, educational and small business assistance, and city beautification. On Wednesday the small business assistance piece of the puzzle falls into place with the Grand Openings of three businesses - Beckenfield Fragrances, Inc., MO’S Cleaning Services, Inc. and Visibly Creative.

Beckenfield Fragrances, Inc. features a specialty line called Valor – Candles For Men which offers an exceptional line of masculine scented candles and other manly inspired products. The Valor brand celebrates manhood by offering fragrances inspired by places or events that are typically considered to be manly in nature. “Every great experience has a story. My goal was to capture the essence of those stories by triggering the sense of smell, which is tied to memory and emotion. Scent can often enable us to re-live the positive feelings associated with great experiences," says Johnny Rohrbeck, founder.

Myra Omofoma, a resident of the Macon Housing Authority (MHA) for three years, is now the proud owner/operator of a micro-business, a domestic cleaning service, Mo's Cleaning Services, Inc. Her company strives to be “green” and Omofoma implements, manages, and audits cleaning processes and procedures to avoid using potentially hazardous cleaning chemicals and contaminants that may adversely affect air quality, human health, and the environment. She has hired several employees from the Georgia Department of Labor, Goodwill Industries/Helm Institute, and other residents from the Macon Housing Authority.

Visibly Creative specializes in custom website development campaigns including branding, design, coding, and marketing. Owner, Eric Mayfield also offers social media packages, onsite consultation, search engine marketing and optimization, mobile app development and training for all internet technology. New customers receive a 30 minute free consultation.

“These innovative ways of thinking and doing business will only continue to strengthen the business mix we have in Downtown Macon. The incubator space provides services that often make it daunting for an entrepreneur when considering a start-up and The 567 is changing the landscape for these folks. It allows them to follow their dreams and in turn makes Macon a better to place to do business,” say Mechel McKinley, Main Street Macon Manager.

For more information about The 567 Center for Renewal visit their website at


Friday, November 11, 2011

Obstacles that Limit Church Planting

New City Church is a church planting church. We believe that one of the best ways to reach new people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is through church planting. We do and will aggressively seek ways to plant new churches... but there are obstacles! Below is an article addressing some of those obstacles, or Limiting Factors. Money and Training seem to be two of the most common factors... and two of the factors that have been on my mind.
* This post is not meant to be an endorsement of MentorNet, but is meant to stir further thought on overcoming church planting obstacles.

MentorNet #43
Factors Limiting Sustaining Church Planting Movements
Copyright © 2006 by Galen Currah and George Patterson
May be freely copied, translated, posted, and distributed.

1. Limiting factor: Many church planters are young men without jobs who must be supported by a limited source of funds that often come from outside of the region they serve.

Remedy: Enlist as church planters more persons who already have an income and who would qualify as a shepherding elder as defined by the New Testament.

2. Limiting factor: If church planters are trained only in occasional workshops or academies held during the day, then those who work during the day cannot attend them. Thus, only single young people are trained, bypassing ‘elder types’ who support themselves and have the maturity required in many communities to reach serious-minded heads of families.
Remedy: Supplement class-room type training with mentoring that is available to all, such as is described under “Mentor New Leaders” from

3. Limiting factor: Church planters who are volunteers and self-supported often have jobs or businesses that do not let them travel far.
Remedy: Let paid or professional church planters start only the first two or three churches in a region, as they are able to travel afar. Thereafter, let these churches send some of their own members to plant the rest of the churches nearby in their region. The most effective church planting teams normally are composed of members of a nearby 'mother' church of the same culture. Such members usually have friends and relatives living where they plant daughter churches. This type of churchFactors Limiting Sustaining Church Planting Movements 2 reproduction is described under “Start, Develop and Renew God's Flocks” at

4. Limiting factor: New churches often have new leaders with only a minimal amount of training and Bible knowledge.
Remedy: Enable all shepherds to fulfill their biblical duty of mentoring the new leaders of their daughter churches in the same way that Jesus and the apostle Paul did, as also described under “Mentor New Leaders” at

5. Limiting factor: Missionaries and church planters often lack experience in a type of mentoring that is both biblical and 'menu-driven,' which meets urgent needs of new churches, and is geared to rapid church reproduction.
Remedies: 1) Ask a mentor to help you start mentoring. The mentors listed under “Select a Mentor Skilled in your Area” at charge no fees (unless being mentored for academic credit). They will stay with you, helping you to think through your plans, until you see churches multiply.
2) Teach and apply biblical guidelines of Christian mentoring. See “Tasks of a Christian mentor and Mentoring 'Chains' in Scripture” under “Mentor New Leaders” at

6. Limiting factor: Mentoring the way Jesus and Paul did it proves too time-consuming to continue doing indefinitely.
Remedy: Like Jesus and Paul's apprentices, your trainees must be weaned from intensive mentoring as soon as their churches are practicing the vital ministries that are required by the New Testament. These trainees, in turn, must by now have the confidence and skills to mentor other, newer leaders of their daughter churches or cells. Trainees can then receive ongoing training in more conventional forms such as workshops, personal reading and classroom instruction. Just take care not to force institutional training on the newer leaders.

Sustaining a church planting movement requires ongoing training of church planters and shepherds. In many movements, especially where churches must multiply under severe restrictions, mentoring as done in the ways that Christ and Paul did it, does in fact sustain the movement.

See the entire article HERE.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Finding Bigfoot... in a Missional Community

Earlier this week I had a little chill time at home. Ivey and Robby were doing homework and Amy was helping. That left me and Elijah - and a little TV time. After a few minutes of channel surfing, trying to find something I could watch with Elijah, he chose his show with excitement... Finding Bigfoot.
OK, I thought... "maybe there is something interesting here." That lasted for about 5 minutes. Then my thoughts included: "This is the dumbest show I have ever seen," and "surely this isn't real." I moved on to silently wonder, "do people actually watch this?" and "do they think week after week after week - MAYBE this will be the week that they actually FIND Bigfoot?" Meanwhile, Elijah is loving it! The night searches scare him. The people talking about what they saw in the woods captivates him. He loves it... cuddled next to me he loves it. He's 8. I didn't love it... not the show... not for a whole hour! But I do love Elijah. And I enjoy seeing him happy. And sometimes he just needs to sit and talk, and laugh, and be scared with daddy. So for Elijah, and enjoyment of him - I watched the entire episode!
At New City Church we value life lived in community... a diverse community... we believe that this community should be racially diverse, culturally diverse, socio-economically diverse, and age/stage of life diverse. THIS should describe our Missional Communities (MCs). Sometimes living in that diversity is tough as one group or age may enjoy things that others don't. One group may want to do things, see things, talk about things that are as important to others. BUT learning from one another and living in this diversity is a) the biblical example for church, b) the best way/place for the "one anothers" of Scripture to be lived out, and c) according to the apostle Paul is the way that best exhibits to creation the manifold wisdom of God in the Gospel.
So - how with the difficulties associated with diversity do MCs work?
Like Finding Bigfoot with me and Elijah.
For the good and unity of the community and our own good and for the glory of God, we sometimes set ourselves and our desires aside and put others first. Paul said it this way in Philippians 2:

3Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The New South Needs Church Plants

As High As 450... that's the number of churches in Macon, more per capita than any city in the South and by some accounts more than any city in the US. With all of those churches it would seem that Macon must be the most churched city in the US, but it is far from it. This Sunday and estimated 75% of Macon's population will sleep in.

If Macon statistics are similar to National statistics:
* 80% of those 450 churches have plateaued or are declining,
* "growing" established churches receive 80-90% of their new people as transfers from an existing church,
* and the percentage of those claiming to be Christian will continue to decline (87% in 1990, 76% 2008).

Sadly, I once read that 95% of existing churches are unable to change their DNA. This means that they are unable to change methodologies and styles (not theology) in order to meet the challenges and changes of our world.

That's why New City Church plants churches... even in a city with more churches per capita than any city in the South, and thats why we will plant more... to engage a changing culture with the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you want to plant with us, email me - and join us this Saturday at our first Church Planters Roundtable.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Manly Smells

A few months back a friend told me about a business idea he had... it sounded like a good one - man candles. Yes, man candles... real man candles not bath and body works chick candles - Candles that smell like things men enjoy. I got a sneak sniff of the candles before they went to market... Johnny was on to something!
Then Johnny gave me three sample candles to enjoy and share. I have done both! My favorite 2 scents are Humidor (described by the maker as "the relaxing aroma of pipe tobaacco and cedar) and Parlor ("the distinctive fragrances of a classic barbershop).
I am proud to say that Valor Candles for Men now has an office at The 567, just down the hall from my office. I recommend their candles to you because I like them. Buy one. Support a new downtown business. And make your home or office smell manly... in a good way.

PS My wife enjoys the manly smells as well!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


We'll take a break from The Gospel of Mark until January beginning 10.16.11
Foundations: exploring the Mission and Vision of New City Church.

This series will also serve as our next New City Class. For those interested in Partnering with New City Church, we'll have a partnership Q and A 11.6.11 following our main gathering.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Church Planter Round Tables

round table - noun \'raun(d)-ta-bel
a conference for discussion or deliberation by several participants.

New City Church downtown will begin hosting monthly round tables for church planters (0-1yrs in) answering basic church planting questions:
Why Plant? Biblical reasons, Practical reasons, Statistical reasons... Why are YOU planting?
What to Plant? (Missional? Incarnational? Traditional? What will your church look like?
Who Should Plant? (The marks of a church planter)
Where to Plant?
When to Plant? (What should be in place for a church launch?)
How to Plant? (Methodologies, Systems, Structures, Financing...)

FOR: planters of a newer church (0-1 yr), or those preparing to plant a church as well as their team members and leaders.

First Round Table:
Saturday, November 5, 9:30am
Topic - Why Plant A New Church?
@ The 567 / 533 Cherry Street / Macon, GA 31210
For More information email:

Thanks Dylan

Because I really like this...

4 Types of Staff Members, by Perry Noble

#1 – “Can Do”

This is the person that if you tell them you want to land a 747 on the stage of your church they immediately begin to brainstorm as to how it can be done. They have a fire and passion and really do believe that NOTHING is impossible with God.

However, they ARE realistic! I have several members on the team I serve with that will say, “I love that idea Perry, now, let me tell you what it will take in order for that to happen,” and then they proceed to tell me the things that I may not be aware of in regards to the implementation of the vision. They aren’t saying we can’t do it…they just want me to know all that it is going to take.

I LOVE THIS…I love it when staff are realistic…every leader should.

#2 – “Can’t Do”

Many times these people like to refer to themselves as “the devils advocate,” they are always finding reasons things can’t get done and seem to bring a negative tone to every meeting they are in. I have said it before, I will say it again…the devil does not need a freakin advocate, he is doing fine all by himself. The person that is always saying that something can’t be done is USUALLY saying so because if the vision that is being cast is put into play then it will cause either a greater amount of work for them…OR require them to leave their comfort zone.

These people drain the crap out of you and are not an asset to your team!

#3 – “Won’t Do”

These are the people on staff that are more obsessed with their gifting than their calling…and so if they are asked to do something that isn’t in line with their perceived gift then they refuse to do it. (Which in case their “gift” has now became their idol!)

If a staff member (including the senior pastor) isn’t willing to do whatever it takes to make the vision happen then that team will NEVER accomplish all that it could accomplish. If someone on staff makes it a common practice to declare what they will not do in regards to executing the vision of the church then they are not pursuing Jesus (who washed feet in John 13) and need to be confronted in love and challenged that our gifting does make us unique…but we all have the same calling, to do whatever it takes to reach as many people as possible who are far from God.

#4 – “Didn’t Know I Could Do”

The disciples had no idea they could do what they wound up doing until a leader came along (Jesus) who was constantly challenging them to go beyond themselves and attempt the “impossible.”

John Mark had no idea of what he was capable of until Barnabas believed in him.

Timothy was just a guy in the church until the Apostle Paul spotted greatness in him and asked him to assist him in his ministry.

And there are people in our churches and on our staff that are able to do way more than they are currently doing…they just are unaware of it because a leader has never dared to believe in them nor challenged them to leave their comfort zone.

It is a powerful thing when the people believe in their leader…it is even a more powerful thing when a leader believes in the people he has been given stewardship over.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Book Review: Is God a Christian? R. Kirby Godsey

As soon as I learned of Dr. Godsey's new book, I ordered it. I was anxious to read it though I expected us to differ on numerous points. I was anxious because I expected to be challenged by Dr. Godsey. For those who do not know who Dr. Godsey is, he served as the 17th President of Mercer University here in Macon. Dr. Godsey was a great president who did many, many good things for Mercer University, though he was often in trouble for his teachings on Christianity with the Southern baptists who supported Mercer. Agree with Dr. Godsey or disagree, he has been viewed as a brilliant and influential man. So my expectations were that the book would be equally brilliant and influential.
It was not. It was a sad disappointment. It was filled with flawed logic and half truths concerning the Christian faith that Dr. Godsey claims to associate himself with. While I expected our views to be different, I didn't expect what I read - over-generalizations and misrepresentations.
I am sorry to say that this book will not bring most evangelical Christians to the table for honest discussion because it is less than honest about evangelical Christianity. My last word here... disappointing.

Let me give you a couple of examples of what I mean:
In the Preface: "We seem eager to believe that God is only on our side. Scholars know better. Theologians know better. Most preachers know better." Where does Dr. Godsey get his information that "most" scholars, theologians, and preachers know better? Is he insinuating that we (theologians and preachers, and scholars) teach and preach something that we know is not true?

He follows that with an accusation that we are teaching congregations to be exclusive and mean-spirited. All of this he ties to the teaching of exclusivity in Christianity.

Pg 21 - "Christians need to get over it. Jesus is not God's only word." Jesus is then equated as a word of God with creation, Adam, Mother Teresa, Muhammad, Pope John XXIII, Gandhi, MLK, the Qur'an and more. Godsey never really explains what he means but does say that to disagree with him by claiming that any word is THE WORD of God or from God is "a form of myopic self-centeredness that presumes to place ourselves-our vision and our understanding - at the center of God's universe."

Further - pg 22 - anyone who believes "that Christianity alone or Muslims alone have sole access to the ultimate reality that underlies the meaning of the universe" is irrational. Really? Why? Why can someone not have truth?

One last one: pg 23 - "Jesus showed us that we really come alive only when we see beyond ourselves to our essential connectedness to one another, including Muslims and Jews and Buddhists and others." No reference to Jesus' actual teaching is given. Probably because there is none.

Shared Leadership is Hard

New City Church is led by a team of elders. Our elders are equal in authority. This means that our elder team makes decisions together and all share an equal "vote" on the decisions we share in leading the church. As New City church downtown's Lead Pastor I am considered the "first among equals." This simply means that I lead the team of elders who govern and shepherd New City Church. I am first among EQUALS which means that while I may lead our Elders, we are still equal. I have no more authority than any other elder. My vote carries the same weight as his vote. We believe that this best describes the example of church leadership, and elder specific leadership that is described in Scripture... but this isn't a post on how we are structured as much as it is on how hard this sometimes is.
Most church planters make all or almost all of the decisions of the church in its first days, months, and even years. A leadership team of some sort (external elders who are not a part of the plant, internal leadership who are not yet elders...) is put in place to help in decisions and offer wisdom, but most often the decision rests on the planter. I am not saying that this is right or wrong, only that it is largely a fact.
Over time the elder team develops from within the church - as it has at New City. As the elder team grows (and it should) it also becomes more diverse (as it also should). Now decisions are shared. With diversity comes differences of opinion, different informational needs in order to make decisions, schedule conflicts, time conflicts (especially for lay-elders), and sometimes just plain conflict! All of this often leads seemingly to a slowing of forward motion and loss of energy as decision making on larger items requires much more effort, longer discussions, the acquisition of more and more information, and much more time.
It would be much simpler and much faster as well as less draining if one man (read if "I") just made the decisions. There is truth to that. It would be simpler, and faster... and much more dangerous. Shared leadership is hard - this transition can be very frustrating and draining... but it is good and necessary. Team leadership brings wisdom that one person doesn't have. It brings perspective that no single leader can possess. It brings options that and solutions that one leader may never have thought of. It brings accountability that not only protects the body of Christ, but also protects each leader. Shared leadership is hard, but it is good.

I write this for any planter who hasn't made it to this point! The transition is hard. But it will be and is worth it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sometimes Subtraction is really Multiplication

Ten months ago, New City Church downtown was a single campus, not quite three years old. We seemed to finally be pushing to or through the 200 mark in regular attendance (one of the growth barriers in church world). A month later we sent out around 25 regular attendees to launch New City Church Milledgeville.
Rebounding growth began slowly... until late this summer we were again pushing through the 200 barrier with some consistency. Then came August 14, 2011 when at age of 3 years and 8 months we sent out 50 regular attending, hard working, giving, people who are sold out on the mission and vision of New City Church to plant New City Church Warner Robins...
So if we looked at the numbers of subtraction (after all we are subtracting!) we would see:
200-25 = 175 -50 = 125... all in the span of 9 months...

But sometimes Subtraction is really Multiplication!
With most of our Mercer University crowd not back yet, downtown was at 170 yesterday.
The new Warner Robins campus was at 125 (send out 50, get 125?!?!)
Milledgeville on move in weekend ExPlOdED! 380
Let's see... 170 + 125 + 380 = 675

By subtracting 75, we have almost tripled in attendance... which means we have almost tripled in influence, in opportunity, and in the number of potential missionaries that we can equip to advance the Kingdom! Incredible.
I am about #s - it is true - in that numbers represent people, and I love to see people transformed by Jesus through the gospel! And the more people I see being transformed by his radical love and work, the more excited I get.

I am amazed at the work that God is doing in our midst. I give him all of the credit (glory) for what is happening in and through New City Church... and I am enjoying the ride!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our MC is bigger than some churches!

New City Church's attendance for it's launch in January 2008 was 100 people. Of that 100, we probably had a strong core of about 50 - including children! And yes, our children were strong, attending weekly and being involved in most everything that we did.
A month ago we started a new Missional Community. I am co-leading with a couple - Amy and Justin Weaver. Last night we met and with several of our core folks absent we had another packed house with more first timers - exciting! The problem is, the MC is already too big! Though we can all squeeze into the house (as long as some people don't make that night and it isn't raining so the younger crowd can run and play outside), there is no way that we can get to know one another well, have good, full, gospel discussion, and there is no room to grow - hard to be missional when there isn't room for new-comers.

Our new MC is bigger than the core that planted New City Church!

That is AMAZING - I would never have imagined that many people right from the start. AND we have 9 other MCs!
It is exciting - not just because of the numbers, but because it is evident in our discussions that Gospel transformation is happening... Jesus is being worshiped and followed.
It is overwhelming - we need to add at least 2 more MCs TODAY, and we aren't ready.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Is a Missional Community?

What Is a Missional Community?
by Jeff Vanderstelt / original article found on the site

First of all, a missional community is a group of believers who live and experience life together like a family. They see God as their Father because of their faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ and the new regeneration brought about by the Holy Spirit. This means they have and know of a divine love that leads them to love one another as brothers and sisters. They treat one another as children of God deeply loved by the Father in everything — sharing their money, time, resources, needs, hurts, successes, etc. They know each other well. This knowledge includes knowing each other’s stories and having familiarity with one another’s strengths and struggles in regards to belief in the gospel and it’s application to all of life (John 1:11-13; Romans 12:10-16; Ephesians 5:1-2).

God’s family is also sent like the Son by the Spirit to proclaim the good news of the kingdom — the gospel — and fulfill the commission of Jesus. A missional community is more than a bible study or a small group that cares for other believers. A missional community is made up of Spirit-led and Spirit-filled people who radically reorient their lives together for the mission of making disciples of a particular people and place where there is a gospel gap (no consistent gospel witness). This means people’s schedule, resources and decisions are now collectively built around reaching people together (Matthew 3:16-4:1;John 20:21; Acts 1:8; 13:2).

Jesus is Lord and we are his Servants. A missional community serves those around them as though they are serving Jesus. In doing so, they give a foretaste of what life will be like under the rule and reign of Jesus Christ. Living as servants to the King who serve others as he served presents a tangible witness to Jesus’ kingdom and the power of the gospel to change lives. A missional community serves in such a way that it demands a Gospel explanation — lives that cannot be explained in any other way than by the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus (Matthew 20:25-28; John 13:1-17; Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Peter 2:16).

We are all learners of Jesus our rabbi who has given us his Spirit to teach us all that is true about Jesus and enable us to live out his commands. Jesus commanded us to make disciples who believe the gospel, are established in a new identity and are able to obey all of his commands (Matthew 28:19-20).

The missional community is the best context in which this can happen. Disciples are made and developed:
1. through life on life, where there is visibility and accessibility
2. in community, where they can practice the one anothers, and
3. on mission where they learn how to proclaim the gospel and make disciples.
Jeff Vanderstelt is a pastor at Soma Communities, an Acts 29 church in Tacoma, WA. He coaches and trains church planters, serves on the Board of Acts 29, and leads the Soma movement in vision and teaching.

*The original article can be found here, on the Desiring god site.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bittersweet Day - Sending Out 50 to plant a new campus

Today is a bittersweet day... today is the last day downtown for around 50 people who will launch New City Church Warner Robins next Sunday night.
It is bitter because we love this group and watching it grow has been amazing. They have worked hard, given much, and served well in a city that isn't their home. They will be greatly missed.
It is sweet because so many in this group GET IT. They love their city and want to see the gospel advance and transform lives, and they know that the best way to see that happen is not by gathering in Macon, but by gathering in their own city. It is sweet because they are leading this charge!
I am thankful to be a part of this work that God is doing. I am excited about the tremendous potential that lies before us as we follow Jesus - who has gone before us and prepared for this day!
New City Church warner robins
Launching August 14, 2011
6:00 pm @ The River Church / 2440 Hwy 127, Kathleen

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Starting Strong... New City Church Warner Robins

On August 14, at 6:00PM one of New City's bands will begin playing the first official nccWR song set. We'll sing together for the first time in WR. We'll pray together for the first time in WR . The Gospel of Jesus Christ will be clearly communicated from the Scripture for us for the first time in WR . We'll follow Jesus by calling people to repent and believe the Gospel for the first time in WR. We'll share the sacrament of communion together for the first time in WR. It will be incredible! For those who have been longing for this day - and praying for this church there will probably be tears of joy and happy laughter.

New City Church downtown started with 20 +/- people and 2 months of prayer and planning. The mission we understood - how we would carry it out was mostly a mystery! We had little idea what Missional Communities would actually look like - most of us had never heard the word missional. We had no idea what it would mean to be With and For our city and engage its people right where they were. Still, in January of 2008 we launched weekly services - filled with church planting ignorance!

Not long after that start, the seeds for New City Church Warner Robins found soil in a few from Warner Robins who dreamed of something different for their city. Little by little the number of people coming to Macon from Warner Robins grew... and they formed a Missional Community. Early on we communicated to those first travelers from Warner Robins that their Missional Community was more than a Missional Community - it was the first of a core group of people who would one day plant a church in their city. And they continued to grow and formed another Missional Community. And they continued to grow and have just recently started their third Missional Community with a fourth in the planning stages!

Here's where I am going - These communities of people in WR know the mission - gospel transformation. They get the vision. They have worked, served, and given to see the mission and vision happen. August 14 is NOT their start date! They have already begun and they are off to a strong, strong start!

I was asked recently by a church planter in the starting days of a plant, "what would you do differently if you could start over with your plant?" My answer: nothing. I really wouldn't. BUT I can say this... our WR Campus Pastor, Patrick McConnell, and the teams and team leaders getting ready for the launch of New City Church Warner Robins have no idea how far ahead of downtown's start that they are! God has graciously put together an incredible group of people and an incredible opportunity in Warner Robins!

I am so excited about August 14... I am more excited about what has already happened in Warner Robins and what is going to happen after August 14! If you are in WR and not in church, or know someone in WR without a church home, let me STRONGLY suggest that you join us August 14, 6:00PM at The River Community Church's building for the continuation of New City Church Warner Robins!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New City Church ALBANY?

Planting the gospel by planting new churches has been our vision even in the dreaming phases of New City Church downtown. Our vision statement includes this:
We dream of a church intent on planting new churches that will engage cultures around the world.
By "intent on planting new churches" we mean aggressively seeking to plant new churches. I recently explained to another church planter that at New City Church we are constantly looking for ways TO plant churches as opposed to reasons why we can't (not large enough, not enough money, not enough leadership support...).

A few months ago I received an email from a pastor an hour away who wanted to talk with me about church planting. That email led to other emails and phone calls and meetings and an Acts 29 Boot Camp and seems now, to us taking another aggressive step in seeing our vision happen. This week the Elders of New City Church welcomed Andy Blankenship on board as the lead planter of New City Church Albany!

Andy, Mary Kathryn, and their 3 little ones will be moving later this month to Albany. Andy has taken a position in a nearby school system where he will work as he learns his city, trains with the New City Elders, and begins the process of planting a new New City Church.

I am constantly amazed and very thankful!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New City Warner Robins is Multiplying!

Our Newest MC - AGAIN (see previous post) is about to kick off!
When: Wednesday July 13, 6:30pm
Where: the home of DJ and Laura Decker (Byron GA)
Led By: DJ and Laura Decker with Nick and Natalie Herr (*Nick and Natalie PICTURED)

What is a Missional Community?
It is a small group people seeking to learn the Gospel and live out its implications as a community of people doing life together. Our Missional Communities are led by followers of Christ but include those who are not followers of Christ. Our MCs seek to be multi-generational and diverse in every other way. By "doing life together" we mean that the members of an MC do more than attend a meeting - they eat together, learn together, play together, serve together... (its about the relationships!).

Who Should Be Involved in an MC?
Everyone involved at New City Church should be involved in an MC and anyone seeking to learn more about the Christian faith. (This new MC is primarily for those who are currently NOT involved in an MC.)

For More Info:
Email -Nick Herr at or DJ Decker at

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Living, Learning, and Serving Together... The MC

Our Newest MC (missional community) is about to kick off!
When: Wednesday July 13, 6:30pm
Where: the home of Justin and Amy Weaver (midtown/Ingleside)
Led By: Justin and Amy Weaver & Keith and Amy Watson

What is a Missional Community?
It is a small group people seeking to learn the Gospel and live out its implications as a community of people doing life together. Our Missional Communities are led by followers of Christ but include those who are not followers of Christ. Our MCs seek to be multi-generational and diverse in every other way. By "doing life together" we mean that the members of an MC do more than attend a meeting - they eat together, learn together, play together, serve together... (its about the relationships!).

Who Should Be Involved in an MC?
Everyone involved at New City Church should be involved in an MC and anyone seeking to learn more about the Christian faith. (This new MC is primarily for those who are currently NOT involved in an MC.)

For More Info:
Email -Justin and Amy Weaver ( or Keith and Amy Watson (

Friday, June 3, 2011

You Are Invited

The word “missional” is one of several “buzz words” that is used all the time in the church planting/emergent/emerging evangelical world. But what do we mean by this word?

This is a one day training event in which we will hear from three A29 pastors specifically on leading missionally minded churches, ministries, small groups and so on. There will be time for Q&A and time to speak one on one with these pastors and those who serve with them daily.

9:30am – Breakfast for A-29ers and staff at the 567
(casseroles, bagels, fruit, juices, coffee)


Break Out - Pastoral, Tyler Jones (Vintage 21)
Executive, Nate Williams (Vintage 21)
Worship, Tyler VerSteeg (New City Church)

11am - Registration Opens for General Public
12pm - Lunch
1pm – Worship - New City Church band
Welcome - Matt Adair (emcee for the afternoon)
1:30pm - Session 1 - Alex Early (Four Corners Church, Newnan GA)
2:30pm - Session 2 - Keith Watson (New City Church downtown, Macon GA)
3:30pm - Session 3 - Tyler Jones (Vintage 21, Raleigh NC)
4:30pm - Q&A - Alex, Tyler, Nate, Keith

For additional information on the Event location visit or
or email

This is a FREE Event

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Missionary and The Medicine Man

Frederick Remington captured more than a scene from the 'wild west' in his painting The Missionary and The Medicine Man. It is the collision of cultures and beliefs and in the midst of the collision stands The Missionary.
The Missionary is not one of them, yet he is liked. He is trusted. He is welcomed into their midst - even into their suffering.
Crucifix in hand, in love and with great faith he intercedes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We're Hiring

New City Church downtown is beginning the search for an Executive Pastor / Executive Assistant...
This is a Full Time paid position.

We are looking for a hard working, highly motivated, organized, and details oriented male who is on board with the mission and vision of New City Church.

For more information contact

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Invisible Wall - Why We Are Planting in WR

Planting new churches isn't always about distance. Often it is as much about the UNSEEN as it is the SEEN. In large part, their exists an invisible wall between Macon and Warner Robins. though it is unseen, it is often insurmountable! It is a CULTURE wall.
Warner Robins is different than Macon... or if you like, Macon is different than Warner Robins. There are differences in racial make up - almost the exact opposite percentages exist, differences in incomes - almost 1/3 higher in warner Robins, differences in education levels...
But those are the things that can be SEEN. What can't be seen is the dislike that one city has for the other! Largely, Macon people see no reason to go to Warner Robins and have no desire to go there. Equally, Warner Robins people see Macon as unsafe and scary and thus have no desire to travel to Macon. This is an UNSEEN barrier - An invisible wall!
To break down this invisible wall would take decades of work and is probably only possible with a miraculous work by God. So, how do we see the Gospel transform Warner Robins? By planting a new church in Warner Robins! A church accessible to the people of Warner Robins, contextually geared for the culture of Warner Robins, and obviously - on their side of the wall!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Who Will Be "The Pastor" in WR?

Let's start here - New City Church views "Pastor" as the equivalent of "Elder."
No one is given the title "Pastor" or "Minister" unless he is an "Elder." All Elders are Pastors, and as New City is an Elder Led body, we have a plurality of Elders.

Within the Elder/Pastor structure we have and will have different designations depending on the Pastor's specific role. For example - "Missional Communities Pastor." This Pastor is responsible for overseeing, ministering and leading our MCs. A Children's Pastor would be an Elder who oversees ministry to children... you get the idea.

Currently, I serve as the "Lead Pastor" of New City Church downtown. Ryan Lyons serves as the Lead Pastor of New City Church milledgevile. Patrick McConnell serves as our third Elder at New City Church downtown, and like Ryan and myself - wears a number of hats, including Warner Robins MC Pastor. Patrick oversees the Missional Communities in Warner Robins. With the WR plant, we are adding an Elder Designation - "Campus Pastor". Patrick will continue to oversee the MCs in WR and will take on the responsibility of General oversight of the new plant in its day-day functions (he will be the "Go To" guy in WR). NCCwr will not have a "Lead Pastor" initially. We will have a Campus Pastor and "Teaching Pastors". The Teaching Pastors being, Myself, Ryan Lyons, and Patrick McConnell. We will alternate teaching at the new campus on Sunday nights. The WR campus then will not have 1 pastor but 3! And it will continue to function this way until the Lead Pastor emerges that God has for this campus.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why We Are Planting in Warner Robins, GA...

The mission of New City Church is to see the Gospel transform everything within our reach, ourselves, our church, our city, and the world. While there are almost limitless ways in which we can communicate the gospel – youtube, facebook, twitter, websites, radio, tv, print… - we believe that the Most Effective Way to see gospel transformation become a reality in the lives of people is through the local church.

It is within the context of the local church’s community that the gospel is most readily heard and seen. Here, in the local church, the Gospel is proclaimed through preaching and teaching. It is also made known in the context of relationships, often one on one, within the community of the local church. More than that, the gospel is most readily seen in the lives of Christians as they do life together as a community of Christ followers – working, eating, laughing, playing, loving, weeping, mourning, encouraging… This is true not only for those who are inside the church, but also for those outside the church looking in at the lives of its people. The local church then serves as a beacon of light and hope and joy both to those who are far from God, but looking on, and those who are near God within the church.

This is why New City Church is a church planting church. We believe the Gospel will be advanced in our lives, in our church, in our cities, and throughout the world by planting missional, gospel centered congregations in cities and communities around the world.

So – we are planting our third campus, August 14th , 2011 in Warner Robins, GA.
We are excited to be a part of this plant, not because there aren’t good churches in Warner Robins, but because there are still people in Warner Robins who desperately need Gospel Transformation.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day

I admit... I enjoy a full flavored heavy, bitter beer. I remember now, as I write, the way I once celebrated St. Patrick's day... with no idea of who he was or what he did, my celebration centered on beer.
(that last part was more of a confession!)

Today is much different. I know a bit more of who St. Patrick was and what he did... and I am humbled. Patrick was an amazing missionary called to people far from God. Against the wishes and traditional methods of the established church he took his love for the Celts and the message of the Gospel to people considered "unreachable". Through him the Gospel went forth and Jesus changed a nation!

So here are a few quotes and an encouragement to celebrate St. Patrick's day and not beer. God's transforming grace is amazing!

I cannot keep silent, nor would it be proper, so many favours and graces has the Lord deigned to bestow on me in the land of my captivity. For after chastisement from God, and recognizing him, our way to repay him is to exalt him and confess his wonders before every nation under heaven.

I am Patrick, yes a sinner and indeed untaught; yet I am established here in Ireland where I profess myself bishop. I am certain in my heart that "all that I am," I have received from God. So I live among barbarous tribes, a stranger and exile for the love of God. He himself testifies that this is so. I never would have wanted these harsh words to spill from my mouth; I am not in the habit of speaking so sharply. Yet now I am driven by the zeal of God, Christ's truth has aroused me. I speak out too for love of my neighbors who are my only sons; for them I gave up my home country, my parents and even pushing my own life to the brink of death.If I have any worth, it is to live my life for God so as to teach these peoples; even though some of them still look down on me.

Did I come to Ireland without God, or according to the flesh? Who compelled me? I am bound by the Spirit not to see any of my kinsfolk. Is it of my own doing that I have holy mercy on the people who once took me captive and made away with the servants and maids of my father’s house? I was freeborn according to the flesh. I am the son of a decurion. But I sold my noble rank. I am neither ashamed nor sorry for the good of others. Thus I am a servant in Christ to a foreign nation for the unspeakable glory of life everlasting which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I testify before God and His angels that it will be so as He indicated to my ignorance. It is not my words that I have set forth in Latin, but those of God and the apostles and prophets, who have never lied. "He that believes shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be condemned," God hath spoken.

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left
Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit, Christ where I arise
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Things I Do as A Planter

Some days end in exhaustion - today might. Most days, when I am done I can't figure out why I didn't get more done and often wonder - "What did I do today?" So I thought I would jot down a few things that I did besides the normal pastor a church stuff... whatever that is.

Today's list:

  • Change 3 light bulbs – I have a special eye for noticing they are out AND the “spiritual gift” of changing them!
  • Clean old show/event posters (and their tape) from the 567 display windows out front
  • Ran an existing cable through pipe and attached it to the wall (like it was supposed to be months ago)
  • Searched 3 storage rooms for a can of stain
  • Met with an elder to discuss hiring
  • Met with an attorney to sign IRS paperwork
  • Emails back and forth with an attorney re immigration paperwork for a possible hire
  • Phone calls back and forth with an attorney regarding an alley easement
  • Phone call with local artist regarding art at the 567 and developing as an Art Center

Monday, March 7, 2011

Some things never change...

35And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.
36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
38therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

10 results from the first 10 Experiment

In order of how they came to mind:
1. A check for $100 was given to The Macon Rescue Mission from Killian's Cafe. (That's a picture of the official check giving!)

2. Around $750 was given out to participants who met their matches in the Macon Money game during the 3 hour period. This was a great addition to a great day.

3. Almost $150 of that Macon Money was spent right there in Killian's that morning.

4. The day presented a great introduction opportunity - A really high percentage of the day's participants had NEVER been in Killian's.

5. The owner of Killian's told me that the numbers generated in three hours were equivalent to sometimes three days.

6. Greg, the owner of Killian's says that he seeing repeat business from the 10 Experiment's patrons.

7. Fox 24's Michelle Apon is working on a story that covers the day of the event, the day of the check to the Salvation Army, and the next event, giving great coverage of not only the event but downtown as well.

8. We had a great number of Mercer University students who turned out to support 10 and Killian's. For years people have been working to help mercer students connect with downtown for more than a night of drinking.

9. New social connections were made. Props to Macon Money's contribution here. Matching up game pieces meant matching up people - often people who had never met before! New faces, new conversations, new friendships.

10. A lot of fun happened. People waited in line for 30 minutes sometimes just to get a cup of coffee - and they did so happily! People talked, people laughed, people played Macon Money and were genuinely excited to take part in the day.

11. And a bonus - I think Greg, the owner of Killian's lost 10 pounds from working such a fast and furious pace! this was a benefit that we had not anticipated.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Experiment - Amazing Day

Below is a copy of a quick email I sent about today's 10 Experiment... great day... fun... new people... amazing

The 10 Experiment took place today – check it out on facebook if you haven't already - . We met at Killian’s Place – the coffee shop. During the 3 hours of 10 (10am-1pm) the place stayed packed! People waited in line for 30 minutes at a time for a cup of coffee – socializing, playing Macon Money, meeting new people. It was great! Michelle Apon from Fox 24 was there to do a story – they shot some video, she interviewed several people, even participated in Macon Money and 10!

Killian’s promised 10% of sales during the 3 hours to The Macon Rescue Mission – raised $100 for them – That’s $1,000 worth of coffee and stuff in 3 hours – not bad!

Another great thing about the day was that the vast majority of people there had NEVER been there before! Killians will enjoy a lot of repeat business and I guarantee you people will be talking about the 10 experiment for days and weeks! Businesses and non-profs are already asking how they can be a part.

This was a HUGE success.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The 10 Experiment - Already Fun

It looks like The 10 Experiment is taking off! There seems to be a LOT of chatter on our primary means of promoting 10e - Facebook... and it is turning out to be pretty fun. New City Church decided to help bring a crowd by giving 20 people a $5 gift certificate to Killian's Place. The response was great! New City and non-New City people saw the offer and jumped on board! The 20 gift certificates went fast and having people post on my status to get one was great... I have already made some new friends - people I will meet face to face on Thursday!
One of my new friends is Michelle Apon (That's her picture). Michelle is a meteorologist for Fox 24, a local TV station. She heard about 10e from a roommate. Not only is Michelle coming to see what's going on for a news story, but she is also shopping at Killian's Place as part of The 10 Experiment. Now - Michelle, give us a hand with the weather on Thursday and it should be an amazing day!
I'll post Michelle's report when we see it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The 10 Experiment - With and For Our City

I saw a video at - cool idea. My mind began to churn - we could do that here, but with our own spin, I thought. So I shared the idea - and it is about to happen as 10e - The 10 experiment! Watch the video - then check us out on FB -

The 10 experiment will:
1) Help Support Our Downtown Businesses
2) Help Support Non-Profits Working For the Good of Downtown
3) Socially Bring A Diversity of People Together as a Force For the Good of Downtown

It will also serve to show our city that New City Church downtown is serious about being With and For Our City! I cannot wait to see the doors this one will open to us and to the gospel through our love for the city.

* Since before our first day, New City Church has talked about being a church who is "with and for our city." We have done more than talk: we have volunteered in great number at festivals and downtown clean up days. We have attended downtown events in force, and we have recently adopted the downtown elementary school with the goal of making it Macon's most desired school. New City people dine downtown, shop downtown, and live downtown - all very intentionally with the goal of seeing the transformation our city.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thy Kingdom Come

I am preaching Mark 1:14-15 this week: 14 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, 15and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." Jesus proclaims the presence of the kingdom. I was reminded of this old post regarding a conversation with a friend about the kingdom and New City Church...

I had a great conversation this morning with a downtown friend. He may or may not be a Christian - though spiritual and having a 'Christian' background, I think C. wrestles with Christianity. He is also intrigued by New City's relationship with downtown. So, in the conversation this came up:
C: So, explain to me you vision for the church and the city?

Me: Well, the short is city renewal - we describe it as transformation. In leadership, we often ask the question, 'If the Kingdom of God were present in the city today, what would it look like?' We believe that the church should be a glimpse of the Kingdom, therefore we should see tangible transformation because of the presence of the church.

C: Like what?

Me: Well, if the Kingdom of God were present in Macon, would there be homeless people?

C: No.

Me: We don't believe that our presence will eliminate homelessness in Macon, just as we can't usher in the true and final Kingdom. However, if the Kingdom is present in and through us, then we should make a positive difference in the homeless community.

If the Kingdom were fully present there would be no crime. So, as a church, we ask, 'How can our presence make a difference in downtown crime?'

If the Kingdom were fully present, would there be ugly, broken buildings?

C: No.

Me: So we desire to see a tangible change to the buildings downtown. We will - through volunteers - help the Facade Squad when they line up facades to be worked on.

We believe that the church, as a glimpse of the Kingdom should be an agent of transformation in our city.

C: Keith, that's why I love you guys. Hearing what you say makes me want to believe. I feel like the King that Paul pleaded his case to.

The conversation was soon interrupted and C was out the door. I was awed that such a Kingdom vision would carry such power.

29And Paul said, "I would wish to God, that whether in a short or long time, not only you, but also all who hear me this day, might become such as I am, except for these chains."