Friday, April 29, 2011

Who Will Be "The Pastor" in WR?

Let's start here - New City Church views "Pastor" as the equivalent of "Elder."
No one is given the title "Pastor" or "Minister" unless he is an "Elder." All Elders are Pastors, and as New City is an Elder Led body, we have a plurality of Elders.

Within the Elder/Pastor structure we have and will have different designations depending on the Pastor's specific role. For example - "Missional Communities Pastor." This Pastor is responsible for overseeing, ministering and leading our MCs. A Children's Pastor would be an Elder who oversees ministry to children... you get the idea.

Currently, I serve as the "Lead Pastor" of New City Church downtown. Ryan Lyons serves as the Lead Pastor of New City Church milledgevile. Patrick McConnell serves as our third Elder at New City Church downtown, and like Ryan and myself - wears a number of hats, including Warner Robins MC Pastor. Patrick oversees the Missional Communities in Warner Robins. With the WR plant, we are adding an Elder Designation - "Campus Pastor". Patrick will continue to oversee the MCs in WR and will take on the responsibility of General oversight of the new plant in its day-day functions (he will be the "Go To" guy in WR). NCCwr will not have a "Lead Pastor" initially. We will have a Campus Pastor and "Teaching Pastors". The Teaching Pastors being, Myself, Ryan Lyons, and Patrick McConnell. We will alternate teaching at the new campus on Sunday nights. The WR campus then will not have 1 pastor but 3! And it will continue to function this way until the Lead Pastor emerges that God has for this campus.