Saturday, February 18, 2012

With and For Our City

 Sarah Treem (Head Writer/Producer for HBO series
IN TREATMENT. Writer/Producer for HBO series
When we planted New City Church downtown, we didn't just want to be a church located downtown.  We wanted to be a church involved in our city's renewal... a church engaging its culture... a church celebrating creativity and engaging creatives.  Today is day 3 of 4 for The Macon Georgia Film Festival and through The 567 we get to play a huge role in this growing film festival.
I am thrilled to see downtown changing.  I am thrilled that as a church planted right smack in the middle of downtown, we participate in its change.  While we don't have it all figured out, and while we do make mistakes and miss opportunities, I am thrilled to say that we are not just a church in our city... we are truly a church With and For Our City!