Monday, December 31, 2007

New (USED) Car

OK, so I recently sold a car that I really enjoyed but owed more on than a church planter ought to! With the uncertainty of income right around the corner, we made the decision to sell the Xterra. I liked the Xterra - comfortable, sporty, reliable, great at towing, room for the fam. Over the past weeks I have looked at hundreds (if not thousands) of vehicles. I have looked online, I have driven by dealerships, and searched the papers as well as local parking lots - exhausting and a little depressing! I concluded that my taste was much more expensive than the wallet. I have test driven some real rags!
So - this week I ran across an add online - made a call. We went yesterday and took a look and a drive - clean interior, drove good. So, this morning we met, signed paperwork, and made the exchange! So, we are the proud new owners of a new used car!
Now here's a fun game - see if you can spot the differences in these photos???

<--Old New->

Isn't God funny! To look at the new Xterra, you wouldn't really know it was any different than the old Xterra!!! Both black with gray interiors - same wheels, roof rack, EVERYTHING. Its a year older with more mileage and its a lot less expensive than the one I just sold. So - my new old vehicle is comfortable, sporty, reliable, great at towing and has room for the fam.