Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New City in Georgia Trend Magazine

Ed Lightsey wrote an article for Georgia Trend Magazine entitled Big Developments in Central Georgia. I remember talking to Ed about the article by phone, but was shocked today to stumble across the article which includes New City Church. New City is included in an article filled with quotes and mentions of Macon's "Who's Who." Crazy - cool. Following is a portion of the article and link to the entire article.

"NewTown Macon leaders have set a goal of raising $21 million in public and private funds to improve infrastructure, restore building façades and add 60 new businesses and 1,000 new residents to downtown over the next five years. As 2009 began, NewTown had received commitments and pledges totaling 60 percent of the $21 million goal.

The concept of renewal, long a staple in Sunday sermons, is a part of the message Keith Watson delivers to his flock at the Baptist-affiliated New City Church housed in downtown Macon’s old Capitol Theater. “What I tell people is that we are a downtown church and downtown needs us,” says Watson, a Macon native. “We want to see the city thrive. I encourage people who are going to go out and eat to drive the extra 10 minutes and come downtown and invest in the city God has put our church in.”

Meanwhile, Macon Mayor Robert Reichert is looking at another rehab project in a declining area known for years as the Downtown Industrial Park. Structures in the area, located just behind Macon’s historic train station, are more than a century old."

Read the entire article HERE.

The Old Made New - Re-birth of the Rookery

The Rookery was one of the best hang outs in downtown Macon for many years - it was a great place to grab one of Macon's best burgers, a cold drink and enjoy the company of friends. When I made the move to 567 Cherry Street as my office I was thrilled to be a neighbor of the Rookery - I looked forward to eating a Rookery burger and hanging out... but honestly was pretty disappointed when I did. I tried several times to enjoy the place, but just didn't. It was sad.
Apparently I wasn't alone. There were others who wanted to see the Rookery return to its place of fame. The place was recently sold and the new owners have done a complete make over! The old Rookery has been made new! The inside was cleaned and repainted, there has been some minor remodeling, and the outside has been completely changed! Not only that, but the menu has changed as well. Everyone I have talked to raves about the new menu, the new vibe, and the Re-birth of one of Macon's best old hang outs. So - if you are in town for lunch - or dinner - or after dinner, stop by and check out the Rookery.

AND - New City folks - they open at noon on Sunday - so drop in for a great lunch after our gathering this week!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Amy's Perspective on our Crazy Life

From Amy's Blog


okay...update on this never dull household. Did I mention that I visited the ER about 2 weeks ago on a Sunday morning for a VERY swollen lip and a staph infection...got a tetanus shot, 2 antibiotics and some pain med. before that...

I think I mentioned Robby hurt his ankle (possible growth plate fracture) in the fracture boot for 2 weeks, and now he is in an ankle brace and back to playing football with a limp. ahem..

Well, on Friday the boys went to ride dirtbikes and I am at home ALONE with a sleeping baby and I check facebook and find a picture of my hubby's face a little scratched up and bloody. He said something like " nothing broke, shoulder hurt, so they return home after loading the bikes and he cannot raise his arm at all. So, I talked him into letting me take him to the ortho urgent care and he is scheduled for an MRI day after tomorrow. He doesn't have anything broken and this is the same shoulder that he had surgery on when we lived in Eastman. So, they think it may berotator cuff or some tendon tear. we will see...
Then I went to pick up Ivey from her trainers barn and the horse had stepped on her foot and it is swollen, black, purple and a nice shade of blue. Ouch!
Saturday we loaded up early and left at 6am for a horse show in Tyrone GA. Ivey took a spill when Cassie refused a jump during thewarmup, she was okay except for a scraped elbow and a stomach filled with nervous butterflies. She returned to the class for the competition and ended up with a 3rd and 5th place. It was not the best show she has had, but she learned to persevere and hang in there...give it a try and be okay with the outcome. I love her trainer and how she handles Ivey, she was so encouraging after the fall and the difficult times during the jumping class. God is good and after a bad start, she was surprised to hear her name called out for 3rd place! You should have seen the smile on her face, it was beautiful!
We returned home exhausted about 9pm, soaking wet from the rain that held off until we started unloading horses and all of the tack.
Robby did play in his game Sat., but not as hard as he would have liked, since he hobbled around most of the time. They did get a win and so he was thrilled. Keith was hurting pretty bad after coaching the game and taking care of the boys...or they had to take care of him I think...Elijah helped put on deoderant and socks! LOL
Well, that's about the extent of our excitement. And dont even ask if Keith Watson is giving up riding his dirtbike, cause that ain't happenin'! he has TOO much fun on it when he doesn't get hurt. crazy boys...I guess we all just play too hard around here!

MOVE - New Sermon Series on Mission and Vision

Yesterday was a good day at New City - we kicked off a 5 week series on our mission and vision.
I love talking about the mission and vision - better - I love hearing people who get it!
From those leading our 2 MCs that met yesterday it seems that some people are getting it... but not just getting the mission and vision in theory - getting it in reality - getting it as the call of their lives, not as words on paper!
AND getting that the mission flows not from church leadership but from God's great mission of redemption and restoration!
AND getting the truth that our participation in that mission is not programatic but flows from our worship - daily worship. Discussion seems to have been great in those MCs as they searched honestly for the idols of their own lives - idols that take God's place as the daily center of life - kids, job, $, sex, alcohol, drugs...
MOVE - it is our great desire to see the people of New City MOVE toward seeing the gospel transform everything within our reach - ourselves, our church, our city and the world! How will we best see that? As a worshipping community of missional theologians!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is Your Neighborhood 'Safe?'

Downtown Macon has the perception of being a dangerous place. When we started New City Church we heard this from family, friends, and some who wouldn't even visit us on a Sunday morning. The 11th Hour has a great article on crime in Macon and the statistics may surprise some of our safe suburban readers.

The fact is, downtown Macon is getting a bad rap when, according to MPD Sgt. Melanie Hofmann, downtown Macon has one of the lowest incidences of crime. “Downtown is actually one of the safest areas in Macon,” Sgt. Hofmann said.

Type of Crime

East Macon

South Macon

West Macon

North Macon











All robberies















All Burglary





All Larceny





Auto Theft





Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lost Aim

After receiving an e-mail from Tyler Powell with Acts 29 asking for assessment help from existing Southeastern Acts 29 churches, I registered for the Houston boot camp. The truth is I didn't want to go. Life has been CRAZY busy lately and there has seemed to be no end to the madness in sight. One positive was that I would be traveling with Alex Early from Four Corners Church in Newnan - I have been talking with/coaching Alex for more than a year.
One morning while we were in Houston Alex began talking to me about a verse that was part of his reading that morning in 2 Timothy: 310R)" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">
You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness...
I don't remember what Alex said, but at least part of it was centered on Paul's AIM. Paul had passed on his aim in life to Timothy, his student and now it was time for Timothy to continue the aim that Paul had started.
That began churning in my head. In all of the chaos of planting New City Church, organizing and structuring the church on top of growing involvement in downtown Macon, dealing with issues related to our city, involvement with the 567... I find that I have lost my aim.
I have been very busy with good stuff - but some of that good stuff may lead me away from the best stuff - the aim.
So it is time to REfocus. To come back to the aim. To not lose sight of the best as I am caught up in the many good things.
I feel like I am coming into a familiar but dimly lit room from a bright sunny day - not yet focused on the familiar room - but straining to regain that focus.

File that under random and personal. But know - sometimes good things can take you away from the best things - what aim are you being distracted from?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Acts 29 Boot Camps

I just returned from Houston, TX and the Endure Boot Camp. Boot Camps are always great - for attendees as well as for assessors. I went primarily to help assess those men and their wives who were applying for membership into the Acts 29 network.
I encourage anyone remotely interested in planting a church to check out the Media Page on the A-29 web site. From the Endure Boot Camp, my must hear sessions are: Bruce Wesley - the Enduring Legacy, Rick White - Idols of Church Planting, Matt Chandler - whatever Matt's topic was, and Barry Keldie - Enduring Suffering. All of the sessions I heard were really good - these were just some highlights.

November 10 - 11 in Louisville, KY will be the final boot camp of the year - Ambition. It is shaping up to be one of the best! Check out the line up of speakers:
Matt Chandler
Darrin Patrick
Ed Stetzer
Steve Timmis
Look at a few of the BreakOuts:

1. Church Planting track (Church Planting from the Ground Up) – from the trenches, for the trenches

a. 12:30-1:20 Kevin Jamison: Core development

b. 1:30-2:20 : Vision & Values (Great Church or Great City?)

2. Total Church track: Steve Timmis

a. Session #1: 12:30-1:20

b. Session #2: 1:30-2:20

3. 12:30-2:20 Wives’ track (Jani Ortlund, Karen Chong)

4. 12:30-2:20 Worship track

Tim Smith, Mike Cosper, Mark Heinrich, Kevin Twit, Sandra McCracken

5. Pastor as Resident Theologian

Ray Ortlund – Revival (When God Comes to Church)

Bruce Ware*/Trey Herwick – Manhood/Womanhood

Greg Allison/Reid Monaghan

Tom Schreiner*/Kevin Larson*

2:30pm Session #3: “The Church & Ambition” Steve Timmis


Boot Camps are required for those desiring to plant a church with Acts 29 but are open to anyone! REGISTER early - this one should fill up.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catching Up - Shipping Off

Last week was a F U L L week - normal meetings, normal (steady) flow of visitors, counseling, church plant coaching, and football coaching. Add to that attempts to squeeze in personal study and preparation for Sunday and you have a busy week... then add to that all that is involved in evaluating a property for a potential move and you have overload!
This week included multiple meetings with contractors, multiple trips to Planning and Zoning, a meeting with Inspection and Fees, and a lot of 'figuring' as we count costs and discuss possibilities.
Because this move would take us out of the entertainment district of the city center, I have also tried to talk with various people within New City, and people who are New City friends but are not affiliated with us as a church. The response from all has been positive in moving forward with the potential move - we'll see.
The latest: still counting costs, getting estimates, and will meet
with all departments week after next for a Pre-development Meeting to finalize things like parking questions, capacity questions and more!

Tomorrow I will meet up with Alex Early, A-29 Planter of Four Corners Church in Newnan and we'll head out to Houston for Boot Camp and to help with A-29 church planter assessments.

On a personal note... I am continually humbled by my own inadequacies and short comings. Sunday after Sunday I share with many of you what God has been convicting me of. Sunday after Sunday I feel as though I preach to myself and over and over I preach from and to my weakness. I am constantly amazed by God's grace and mercy!

See you Soon!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Maybe You Should Listen

For those newer to New City, we spent 4 weeks last year on the subject of Engaging the Poor. The series was an attempt to help New City people begin to think through our urban context and some of the realities of poverty. It may be helpful to take a listen (these are on i-tunes):
Week 4 - Q and A (Cameron and Keith)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Uncle Jerry

I needed a laugh - so I checked out some Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy.
"I remember how my Great Uncle Jerry would sit on the porch and whittle all day long. Once he whittled me a toy boat out of a larger toy boat I had. It was almost as good as the first one, except now it had bumpy whittle marks all over it. And no paint, because he had whittled off the paint."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

To Whom Do We Show Compassion? Homelessness in the City (6) My Final Answer

Today included an additional meeting and one more lengthy e-mail with regards to my position on homelessness in our city. Below is an e-mail response that I sent out this afternoon. It will serve as my 'Final Answer' with regards to the issue for now...

Dear Sam,
I do wish that you had called me. Yes I am busy. Busy all the time - that is just life. I am not too busy to make time for you guys.

I admit that my handling of personal attacks regarding the blog was not best. I should have simply not responded. I should have let the critics speak and leave it at that. You guys were different (from these critics) - you were here (at New City) and an active part of the fellowship - I will make time to listen and talk - to hear your side and express mine.

What you and the critics do not know and see, is how much food, clothing, soup, deodorant, cold drinks, and the like that I give away. You don't see the checks that I have written for rooms.
You don't know the many times I have given rides or just listened.

I am helping _______ and _________ get settled in a room at the ____________ - delivered a microwave, tomorrow a tv (that is being donated). They have food, and clothing. We are working on getting a bed and other things. I tried to express that in the blog at various times.
I love these people and want to see them get better, get healed, and become a thriving part of society.

I do admit that my patience is low for some.
The maybe 50% who lie, manipulate, and use.
The ones who are already drinking when I get here at 9 and who are fighting by 4.
They hurt the businesses and therefore hurt owners and employees as well as the potential for growth in the city.

One of these is named __________. He is 50ish. He came to church for a while - mostly ate donuts, had coffee, and slept.
I have listened and talked to _________ much - he is a good talker and tells great sad stories.
But what he wants is for you to give him money and anything else that he needs or wants.
He gets $948 a month disability (I think that is what he told me).
He eats every free meal downtown
He gets food stamps and groceries from shelters and food banks
$948 with all of those services could provide for ________. My grandfather lived on less for many years (and I never knew it)
Instead, ________ drinks and smokes all of his money
He uses and manipulates so that he can get more money to get more alcohol or more drugs
I do not believe I am loving _________ by feeding his laziness or his addictions. I do not believe that is what Scripture teaches us to do.

I also firmly believe that there are many who give and minister to the homeless and to the vagrants and they do so to the detriment of the business owners.
God loves both and so should we.
So - I believe that we should work hard to help both.
And I do.

One of the positives of stirring both sides on this issue to think and act differently is this:
I am talking with a 501c3 downtown who lacks money but wants to start a Day Shelter to help those who will be helped and to get them off the street during the day - showers - services - clothing...
I am talking with developers and foundations who have money but lack know how - they want a Day Shelter as well.
My hope is to get the 2 together and make it happen.

So - contrary to what you think, or (others) - I am working hard to help those on our streets. Likewise I am working hard for our businesses.

I will gladly sit down with you guys at any time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Still Learning, and Learning is often difficult

I have occasionally had to deal with criticism - as in a person here or a person there. Usually that criticism has come from within the church body and has been minor. So recent criticism from outside and by people who do not know me has been new.
I admit (as if you needed me to) that I do not always handle that criticism well! The truth is, because this is new, I must learn to deal with the criticism.
In the past, I have been able to sit down with critics who are vocal and talk, face-to-face. I can't do that with anonymous posters and people who live in other cities and attend other churches, or who would just rather toss out their criticism and move on.
I have been reading a little and seeking some wisdom - knowing I am deficient. Here is 1 post I read:

1. What Can I Learn from Criticism?

Most criticism is probably based, at least in part, on some truths. Criticism may appear negative. But, through criticism we have the opportunity to learn and improve from their suggestions.

2. Respond to the suggestions not the tone of the criticism.

The problem is that people may make valuable critical suggestions. However, there tone and style of criticism means that we respond not to the suggestions but remember there confrontational manner. In this respect we need to separate the criticism from the style of criticism. Even if people speak in a tone of anger, we should try to detach their emotion from the useful suggestions which lie underneath.

3. Value criticism.

The problems is that quite often, we only value praise. When people speak kind words we feel happy. When people criticise we feel miserable. However, if we only received insincere praise and false flattery, how would we ever make progress? If we wish to improve and develop we should invite constructive criticism and appreciate their suggestions.

4. Don’t take it personally.

This is often the biggest problem which occurs with regard to criticism. If I criticise my Mother’s cooking, she feels personally offended. But, it is a mistake to identify ourselves with an apple pie. Somebody may find good reasons why our cooking is bad; but, this does not mean they are criticising ourselves. When people criticise us directly, we should feel they are not criticising our real self; but, just an unillumined aspect of ourselves. When we criticise others, we are perhaps criticising their pride or jealousy; but, the jealousy is a mere passing emotion, it is not the real person.

5. Ignore False Criticism.

Sometimes we are criticized with no justification. This is a painful experience. But, potentially we can deal with it more easily than criticism which is justified. One option is to remain aloof and ignore it completely. We should feel that false criticism is as insignificant as an ant trying to harm an elephant. If we remain silent and detached the criticism is given no energy. If we feel the necessity of fighting it – in a way, we give it more importance than it deserves. By remaining silent we maintain a dignity that others will come to respect.

(I Must Do A Better Job With This One)

6. Don’t Respond Immediately

It is best to wait a little before responding. If we respond with feelings of anger or injured pride we will soon regret it. If we wait patiently it can enable us to reflect in a calmer way.

7. Smile

Smiling, even a false smile, can helps us to relax more. It creates a more positive vibration and smoothes the situation. It will definitely help psychologically. Smiling will motivate the other person to moderate their approach.