Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the Kingdom Present

At New City Church we talk often of our mission - Gospel Transformation. We also talk about the tangibles of Gospel Transformation and often ask the question - What would it look like if the Kingdom of God were present in downtown Macon?
The short answer is everything bad would be made good as God redeemed a city. If the church is present in the city and if the kingdom is present in and through the church - then there should be tangible evidence of transformation and redemption in the city - glimpses of the coming kingdom [an already/not yet Kingdom view]. In other words - very practically speaking - New City Church should make tangible differences in our city as the Kingdom of God is moving in - in and through us.
One of the things I commonly hear from people with regards to downtown Macon is that it is a dangerous place. This is a pervasive perspective. People are afraid to visit downtown. So, if the kingdom of God were present - would people be afraid to visit downtown? No. Now - I know that our presence will not wipe out all crime - that will only happen when the Kingdom is ultimately brought in by Jesus Himself. But, should our presence in the city impact crime? Yes.
An interesting development is underway. A week ago I was asked to meet with a downtown developer and a New Town Macon employee. The topic was security downtown. From that meeting I was asked to be a part of a board who would seek ways to increase security and help change the perception that downtown is a more dangerous place [statistically it is 'safer' than North Macon]. The developing board includes business owners, a member of the College Hill Corridor, developers, New Town Macon, and myself. This group met yesterday.
One of the possibilities recommended by Josh, with the College Hill Corridor, is that we form a proactive Neighborhood Watch that would include businesses and residents. This neighborhood watch would coordinate with a Macon PD foot patrol being added in January. The Neighborhood Watch would also work with the city on, among other things, adding emergency call boxes all around downtown.
The really interesting possibility is this - There is another neighborhood near Mercer doing this and the coordinator for the Neighborhood Watch is a Centenary Methodist Church staffer. He receives some funding from a federal grant for this oversight. Josh explained that he - the coordinator - does not proselytize - but does serve as the neighborhood minister. He knows everyone in the neighborhood and everyone knows him. Josh suggested that we look into doing the same thing through New City Church. New City Church has a guy coming as early as January - his job description (in part) before this meeting ever took place was oversight of the 567 and city renewal.
Josh is getting some info together for me, New Town Macon's board will hear of the plans tomorrow and may offer some start up funding - and JD, coming on faith with no job lined up for Corrie, and no income from New City, may have a free place to live and a little money.
This is far from being a 'done deal' and may never become a done deal - but I am constantly amazed at the avenues of opportunity God is graciously giving to New City church as we seek to see Gospel Transformation in our city!