Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One Sermon - Two Places

Last Sunday we started a new series - Who Is Jesus: the gospel according to Mark. I am really excited about the series because:
1) I have never preached through an entire gospel
2) We get to look at the Jesus of Scripture every week
3) For the first time, New City Church will have one sermon in two places.
Ryan and I are working together to outline Mark and organize thoughts for each sermon. The sermons will not be exactly the same as we are each writing our own sermon, but we will both cover the same verses and hit the same big ideas. So a person could attend the New City Church milledgeville gathering on Sunday, then connect with a New City Church downtown MC during the week and be a part of the sermon discussion!

This has been a part of our vision since before we held our first gathering - one church in Middle Georgia, one mission and vision, going one direction together! God is graciously working in and through us.