Tuesday, September 18, 2007


OK, so its not that kind of boot camp! Amy and I are headed to Raleigh, NC for the Acts 29 network's church plant training and assessment. What is it? Here is a little bit from their site...
It is very humbling to see how God is significantly using our network to influence and shape the church planting culture. Acts 29 Network exists to start churches that plant churches. Next week in Raleigh, North Carolina, over 250 individuals will be joining us at the new location of Vintage21 for a two day boot camp. Our boot camps are simple but
profound: emphasize solid theology and contextualizing the gospel. We will not waver on either of these commitments. We won't water down our theology to reach more people and we won't attack the culture in the name of Christianity. We are planting churches that are missionaries in their respective communities sent by Christ with the gospel (John 20:21).
On Friday we'll sit down with a couple of Acts 29 assessors who will interview us. We are trying to become affiliated with the Acts 29 network where we hope we will receive some accountability, further training, coaching, and possibly funding.

I can't wait to get there. It will be great to hear Mark Driscol, Ed Stetzer, and a host of guys who share a common passion for the gospel and for transformation and to meet face to face some guys that I have only had e-mail and phone conversations with - guys who are out there doing what we are trying to do with New City Church downtown.

I also can't wait to have a few days away with my beautiful bride (of almost 16 years). Pray for us - pray for our safety, our recharging, our learning - AND for our assessment that will take place on Friday.