Wednesday, October 24, 2007

UPDATE on Amy's Dad

Amy is on her way back from ATL. Her dad is still very critical.
Here's the bad:
He still has a bacterial staph infection
His blood pressure is way too low and is being medically kept up
His kidneys are basically not functioning right now
His liver is so dramatically reduced in size that it is still unknown if it will support Lynn
Here's the good:
There are tons of great people praying for Lynn, and others will join in
It seems that Lynn's body is fighting the infection and with the medicine there seems to be some progress being made.
Continuous dialysis is relieving a great deal of the fluid pressure which has made Lynn's heart work harder and his lungs have less capacity - 3 liters + have been removed.
A CT scan shows that the liver is growing.
The docs and nurses at Piedmont Hospital are doing everything possible to help Lynn fight.
We've made it through the day with Lynn still living and fighting to live.
He is a child of God's - and as such he is surely in His hands.

Please pray for Lynn, Joyce and Amy, as well as the rest of the family and the docs and nurses working so hard to help him.