Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Why Monthly Services???

I have had several questions recently about why we only meet monthly right now and conversation with others who are ready to go weekly. Maybe this is a good time explain what we are doing right now and how it differs from some other church starts.

Some church planters start by bringing some people around them, sharing the vision, and building a core of people who will commit to the vision. When that core grows to a sufficient number the church launches.

NCCd is basically starting with services and building a core from them. Friends, family, and others God brought our way served as Greeters, Band Members, Coffee Servers, and Kids Teachers for our 1st service. At that service we had 12 new volunteers sign up to serve in our October service. We will plug those volunteers in and hopefully begin to connect them to those who are already committed to the church plant - growing our core. The goal is to continue to add to our core October, November and December in preparation for weekly services starting in January.

Then we can expand our Kids Ministry and work toward the start of our Life Groups.

So - that's what we're doing and that's why we aren't quite ready for weekly services!
Every volunteer is important. Right now our volunteers serve in the following areas:
Set Up / Tear Down (meeting in the theater requires we arrive early to transform areas into kid friendly ministry areas, set up the band, and coffee bar - then take it all down when we're done)
Greeters Greeters are the 1st smiling faces visitors and attenders see. They are also our first question answerers and helpers.
Ushers Ushers help with seating, are our people counters, and take up our offering and info cards.
Coffee Bar These servants help set up the coffee bar, keep it clean and stocked, and make sure that coffee and water are available.
Nursery Help keep track of, play with, love on, and teach our newborns through age two
New City Kids Workers Help with our 3 through 6 year olds. This takes place after the singing portion of our main worship time and during the preaching portion of our main worship time. Kids enjoy a high energy video driven Bible study as well as prayer, play, and more.
Band Our hope is to soon add a second and third band to our line up.

If you want to be a part of building NCCd - come on!
Shoot me an e-mail