Monday, July 28, 2008

Addicted to Pornography

Breaking Pornography Addiction
By David Powlison, CCEF Faculty

Have you ever said anything like this?
“I’ve tried to stop so many times, but somehow I still end up in front of the computer surfing websites.”
“Cold showers, prayer, avoiding situations—I’ve tried everything. Is there any hope for me?”
“I know I should get help, but I am too ashamed.”
“I thought only men struggled with pornography, but I spend way too much time in my own little fantasy world.”

If you have, it’s likely that you are feeling trapped by an addiction to pornography and sexual fantasies. You feel guilty and ashamed, but you just can’t seem to stop. Maybe you are starting to notice that your relationships with the real people in your life are being affected by your struggle.

There is no magic bullet to free you from your addiction, but when you ask Jesus for help, he will come to you mercifully and firmly. Jesus welcomes all kinds of strugglers into his kingdom, and his Spirit will provide the deep-down change you long for.

Change happens when you face your behavior honestly, understand the roots of your behavior, and then go to God to work true change in your life. The true change that comes from God will affect not only your behavior, but also your imagination and desires in life. Do you believe God can do this? Take a step of faith; read this article, and ask God to use it to begin to change you.

Read the entire article here.