Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Only Downtown...

Diversity really is beautiful. I am coming more and more to enjoy it. And there are some things that could only happen when your office is a storefront coffee shop downtown...
There are NO lights on in the place as I am working and really not looking for visitors today, a meeting and seeing my family off this morning to B'ham have put me a 1/2 day behind. Then the door opens...
The salesman jumps right in and begins to talk to me about advertising in his magazine - The Barfly, 'Middle Georgia's Premier Nightlife and Entertainment Magazine.'
(I'll keep the story a lot shorter than our conversation turned out to be)
After a few minutes of listening and then trying to explain WHAT the 567 is and what we do, I struck a chord with Martin. As it turns out Martin has pastored a couple of UPC churches (United Pentecostal Church). UPC churches are typically the very fundamental Pentecostal churches who wear long dresses - at least the women and girls do - and who keep clean shaven faces *both men and women :) So forever we talked about theology and ecclesiology - touching on subjects like trinitarianism, incarnational church, the incarnation of Jesus, and the possibility of losing one's salvation (a UPC doctrine). The crazy thing is that Martin used to run a coffee shop in Chicago and had some great ideas for the 567 so we'll talk again soon.
No sooner had the door closed behind the Barfly dudes than I saw our upstairs neighbor - Brad Evans and Chris Horne carrying a bookshelf by. I ran out to grab the door to the stairway for them when a shelf fell out. We laughed about me being a big help by picking up the shelf while they lugged the whole thing up the long steep stairs. Then when we made it to the top - Brad and Chris still ragging me - the shelves banged the wall making a turn. Brad said, "Man, I hate when the preachers around and I can't cuss!" We all three laughed and I invited Brad to feel free to cuss if he wanted - I had heard them all before and probably said most of them at one time or another. Still laughing, Brad said, "Oh I was just joking, the preacher doesn't keep me from cussing." More laughing - you just had to be there. With that I passed on the fallen shelf and headed out the door with thanks from Brad and Chris for all my help.

Talk about polar opposites! One minute conversing theology with a couple of UPC guys, the next laughing with the owner and editor of the 11th Hour about how he wanted to cuss. A swing that took place in the span of about 45 seconds. Only downtown for a pastor whose office is a storefront coffee shop! I love it.