Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love Should Lead Me to Risk Much

A lot of people think I am crazy or maybe just stubborn because I will hop back on my motorcycle as soon as I am able - this after my second broken bone from a crash (and I am not getting younger - whatever that means). Obviously there is a risk with riding a dirt bike, but for me the reward is worth the risk!
There is nothing that compares with riding - I LOVE it - and that Love leads me to risk scrapes, bruises, a little blood, and broken bones.
I have been thinking a lot over the past few days about the Gospel and our motivation (or lack thereof ) for sharing it with others. The gospel is by its nature confrontational and ultimately divisive - you are a sinner and either you believe or you don't. Confrontation and division often leads to arguments, hurt feelings, name calling, and worse. Talking with co-workers whom you see every day could lead to awkward days at work. Talking to friends on such a touchy subject could lead to your being de-friended! So - there is a risk. And often we determine the risk to be too great. So we say nothing.
But - if we LOVE our friend or co-worker (and I really mean love - not just the word love, but the reality) - if we love them, shouldn't that love motivate us to take a risk?
Or is that the real issue? We don't truly love.