Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Want to Plant?

80% of church plants fail. At least thats the statistic commonly used. Ed Stetzer's statistics show that 68% make it to year 4. Either way, many new church starts have short, hard lives.
I have heard no statistics, but I have seen the ruin of men and churches whith the attempt to infuse new life in old and dyeing churches. Replanting an established church is most often NOT successful - 95% of churches are unable to change their DNA.
In contrast, according to Scott Thomas of the Acts 29 Church planting network, 95% of A-29 Church plants and re-plants are successful.

So have you ever wondered - what are A-29 churches doing?
How they doing it?

If so, you will want to join us January 22-23 for the Plant and RePlant Conference. The featured speakers are Tyler Jones of Vintage 21 Church in Raleigh, NC, and Jonathan McIntosh of ReThink Mission and a former campus pastor at the Journey Church in St. Louis, MO.
One of the unique things about Plant and RePlant is that we will bring together church planters who are still new in their plant and veterans who have 'been there and done that' to answer YOUR questions. Break outs for Plant and RePlant will primarily consist of Q and A driven by attendees. So - if you are a planter now, hope to be a planter one day, or a church looking to jump into church planting, Plant and Re-Plant is for you!
Register early - seating is limited.