Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Sunday!

Up at 6am - trailer hooked up, the Xterra loaded - mostly from Saturday night (and I do mean LOADED), pulling in for ice at 8:00am, coolers loaded with ice and water, pulled up in front of the Capitol Theater at 8:20 to start unloading and setting up. 9:40 - A great time of prayer with the band. 9:45 - 10:30 Last minute stuff and lots of greetings.
Load the trailer with the help of many. Do a final walk thru at the theater - final farewells and thank yous. 1:00 head to lunch with family. After lunch - head home with trailer in tow, unhook, unload the car, and at 2:25 sit down!
A great day.
Today's service was incredible. The music was awesome as usual - thanks to the band.
The coffee was great - thanks Hasel, Jolynn and crew!
Communion was so sweet - thinking of all that God has done for us in Christ and seeing a church share in such a beautiful thing for the first time was very overwhelming for me.
A number folks commented on how great it was to learn about communion and its tie to Passover.
Great fun to end the service with several very (VERY) upbeat celebrate Jesus songs.
Amazingly, our #s went up over last month - that's a good thing - thanks to everyone for getting the word out!
All in all - a Beautiful - Happy Sunday!
Thanks Jesus!