Saturday, March 22, 2008

God Things

Last Sunday as I worshipped, I was really overwhelmed with the fact that Jesus is building His church downtown. I shared that with everyone present and added that it should be evident to everyone that God is doing something incredible - because there is no way I could possibly orchestrate all that was going on - and I meant it!
So let me share more stuff that is going on...

Last week I met Jered at Starbucks to show him our space and begin some planning. Jered was talking with someone when I arrived - so I grabbed a coffee and waited outside. Jered introduced me to his friend. He and I talked while Jered prepared to head out with me. Dennis - Jered's friend - was interested in New City and the Cafe so I shared a little with him. Dennis used to run a coffee shop - a for real, stocked coffee shop. Turns out he still has all of his equipment in storage and was hoping to one day use it in a coffee shop / music venue! Hmmmmmm. Coincidence? Denis and I will talk again soon - I hope. Pray for us - this could be an incredible opportunity!

Thursday night a couple came into town and Amy and I spent much of Friday with them - a great young couple. He is on staff at a church 200 miles away. He feels led to plant a new church - an Acts 29 church. He just went through the entire assessment proccess with A-29. The reports on hm were great - really good things said by his assessors. BUT - they didn't feel he was quite ready to plant and suggested he hook up with an A-29 church plant and try again in a year or two. So - he and his wife are looking into a move and considering Macon and New City Church. Pray! Pray for this couple in their decision. Pray for their finances - we aren't ready to add staff so there would have to be some outside help (raising funds) or being bi-vocational (they are aware of where we are with things right now).

Almost 2 weeks ago I received a call from another young guy - from Warner Robins - Heath. Heath feels led to one day plant a church. For now, he wants to be a part of a new church plant - a plant like NCCd! heath wants to be a part of a missional church plant and is willing to help out in any way he can. He already created the New City Church facebook fan page and set our sermons up on i-tunes!

God is incredible.