Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Raising Risk Takers

A life of faith is risky. Living by faith means taking risks - like...
quiting a 'perfectly good' job making a 'good living' to plant a church with no guarantee of income... or (as my sister's family did once) selling all you have to take your family to the mission field... or sharing your faith with a friend.

So, I want to raise Risk Taking Children.
I encourage them to take risks - to live a life of adventure... especially when it comes to their Christian walk.

I got home this afternoon and learned that our risk taking family is leading others to take risks as well! The picture below is AWESOME! That's Robby - my 10 year old, he's jumping (from right to left) Elijah, my 5 year old, Jack our neighbor, Caleb another neighbor, and Scott, Jack's brother. That's right - Robby JUMPED 4 neighbors on his bike today!!! Mom took the picture - way to go Amy!

Robby wanted to jump more children but Casey and Allie, our other neighbor kids said that their dad told them it was too dangerous.