Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lost Aim

After receiving an e-mail from Tyler Powell with Acts 29 asking for assessment help from existing Southeastern Acts 29 churches, I registered for the Houston boot camp. The truth is I didn't want to go. Life has been CRAZY busy lately and there has seemed to be no end to the madness in sight. One positive was that I would be traveling with Alex Early from Four Corners Church in Newnan - I have been talking with/coaching Alex for more than a year.
One morning while we were in Houston Alex began talking to me about a verse that was part of his reading that morning in 2 Timothy: 310R)" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">
You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness...
I don't remember what Alex said, but at least part of it was centered on Paul's AIM. Paul had passed on his aim in life to Timothy, his student and now it was time for Timothy to continue the aim that Paul had started.
That began churning in my head. In all of the chaos of planting New City Church, organizing and structuring the church on top of growing involvement in downtown Macon, dealing with issues related to our city, involvement with the 567... I find that I have lost my aim.
I have been very busy with good stuff - but some of that good stuff may lead me away from the best stuff - the aim.
So it is time to REfocus. To come back to the aim. To not lose sight of the best as I am caught up in the many good things.
I feel like I am coming into a familiar but dimly lit room from a bright sunny day - not yet focused on the familiar room - but straining to regain that focus.

File that under random and personal. But know - sometimes good things can take you away from the best things - what aim are you being distracted from?