Saturday, June 7, 2008

Great Night @ the 567 (and 2 coming up)

Last night was a great night at the 567. Joey Faulk, a friend from our previous church did a great job - 1st time I had heard Joey out of a church context. Thanks Joey, great job. Megan North took the stage at 8:30 - great voice, good performer - and it is hard to beat a room full of people ending the night singing Hotel California by the Eagles (I think Megan won some new fans!). We had good crowds, met some new folks,. and the Starbucks was good as usual - the Frappuccinos were a hit as the temps outside were HIGH.

(JUNE 12)
We are all really excited about Thursday night's big show - The Red Swill will be on stage at 9:00 PM. These guys have a sweet sound that should really be a great fit for the 567 and we may have a full house.

(JUNE 27)
Dan Darden and Rob Sumowski (formerly with Gypsy Train) will get together for will be another fun night. These are 2 of the most talented musicians I personally know. They are both capable of almost any genre of music (Dan can't rap) and know more music than most of us have forgotten!