Monday, June 16, 2008

Missional Preaching + Holy Spirit = Missional People

We ended a series that served as a Vision Series where we unpacked what it means to be a worshipping community of missional theologians. For three weeks we looked at being missional and just what that means and looks like. I shared with a friend recently how excited I was because it seems that NCCders are 'getting it.' Then last week I started hearing from some of our folks and now I am REALLY excited! Listen to this:

One NCCder e-mailed me that she had a great opportunity that day thru one of her 'rhythms of life.' As she walked in her neighborhood with a friend Jesus provided a great opportunity for her to talk about Him - and she did!

Another NCCder went to a bar with her friend. A rough and tough biker dude was talking about how he was too far gone for God - too big of a sinner. This NCCder has a hard time talking with others about her faith, but she said she just had to. She spoke up and said hey - its not too late! Just repent and turn to Jesus. She did it! They talked more, he ended up making light of her words, but she did it!

Another NCCder, a real estate attorney, was talking with someone at a closing. The opp for a more personal conversation opened up and he took the opp to talk about Jesus and invite an unchurched dude to New City.

Yet another NCCder had a misunderstanding (it REALLY, REALLY was) with our local Law Enforcement. This NCCder was actually taken to the Law Enforcement Center, processed and put in a cell until the misunderstanding could be cleared - which took s o m e time. As this REALLY was a mistake on the part of the officers, I would probably have been really hot and not very happy. But, this NCCder took advantage of the situation and as opportunities presented themselves he prayed for those in the cell with him and actually shared the gospel with two guys! He learned about them - talked to them - and then talked with them about Jesus and Christianity.

Last one. One of our NCCders met a non-church goer at the 567. They had several conversations oer the course of a couple of nights at the 567. Sunday we had a visitor from the 567.

That's all in ONE week! And that's just from those who shared with me what was going on with them. Imagine a church of people who understand that God is on a mission of redemption and restoration - a people who have joined Him on that mission! Then imagine a city, transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ as God's people join Him on His mission.