Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Kingdom Mission

Sundays we are working through this descriptive statement - We understand that our church is more than a building, an organization, a man, or a service. We are a group of missionaries, a family of believers, a population of diverse individuals united by, striving for, and growing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Better said, we are "a worshipping community of missional theologians." (Dan Kimball, Vintage Faith Church ).
What does it mean to be a worshipping community of missional theologians?
So, we have spent a couple of weeks s t r e t c h i n g our minds with a biblical understanding of missional/mission. Last Sunday we talked about the Kingdom Mission. God is redeeming and restoring a Kingdom. In each of the Gospels the message of Jesus was that the Kingdom is at hand. Before the service we put forth a question and provided everyone with pen and paper to respond:
If heaven came down on Macon today, how would Macon, GA be different?
I wasn't sure how our response would be - it was great - both in # of responses and quality of responses. So here's a few:
No sickness, no sorrow, no tears, and lots of happiness
As a war vet I look forward to the peace and resolution
There would be one church instead of one on every corner
Race would be invisible
It would be cleaner
Beautiful rivers and parks
No homelessness
No crime, no bitterness, no gossip
And a favorite of many present - People wouldn't get drunk when enjoying beer at the bars - at least it got lots of laughs!
I explained the ALREADY and NOT YET of the kingdom and talked about how we - NCCd are the Kingdom of God already. And God desires that we be salt and light - a city within the city. We are to be the already kingdom in, for, and to Macon Ga - a people where racism is wiped out, where there is no bitterness, no gossip, no crime... a people working for the restoration of all that is good and beautiful.
So now, I pause to pray that New City will be just that - a new city - a city within a city transformed and seeing transformation.