Thursday, June 21, 2007

Guilt by Association and Being Missional

Growing up I remember being told that people often make decisions about you and your character based on who you associate with. It is true. Guilt by association we call it. Sometimes this causes us to withdraw from people and places out of fear that we might be associated with them and thus be guilty as they are - our character, our reputation, even our "witness" is destroyed. I remember as well, receiving that teaching in the church. "Don't go to places like that," or "don't hang around people like that or your Christian witness will be destroyed."
There may be very good reasons to be careful of where we go and who we hang out with - but our "witness" is not one of them. In fact, if Jesus is our model, and the New Testament teaching our guide - then the opposite is true.

Consider Jesus, our model:
Who did Jesus hang out with? Tax Gatherers, Harlots, literally a couple of thieves...
Where was Jesus seen? Having meals with the dreaded, despicable, lowly sinners; at a wedding party turning water into wine because there wasn't enough to go around. He was known to touch those believed to be cursed by God and heal them - even those who were unclean.
In Matthew 11:19 we read, The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!'
Jesus didn't ruin His "witness," that was his witness! He came to those who needed him, not those who didn't. He came to seek and save the lost.

Consider Paul's writing in I Corinthians 5:10. Let me set the stage. There was gross immorality going on in the church. The people of the church knew about it and were even arrogant or prideful of it. Paul tells them that it needed to be addressed. He told them that such an immoral believer should be "delivered to Satan" and should not be associated with. I wrote you a letter, Paul said, and told you not to associate with such immoral people. Then verse 10: 10not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.
That reminds me very much of Jesus' prayer in John 17:15, I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but keep them from the evil."
Paul said, don't associate with those in your church who profess Christ, but live as if they don't - the immoral, covetous, idolatrous, drunkards... BUT it seems quite right that association with the "world" outside of the church takes place.
Paul's approach seems to mirror that of Jesus. So should ours.

In light of this, with Jesus as our model, and the apostle Paul (and the NT) as our guide - I should think we would desire Guilt by Association, not flee from it - that is Being Missional - not for sake of a label, or a name to be achieved (look he's "a friend of sinners") - but for the sake of the Gospel, the good of people, and the glory of God.

That is why our vision at New City Church reads:
It is our dream that New City church downtown be a people engaging its culture at work, at play, and in worship.
We dream of a church that shapes culture, not runs from it or chases after it.
We dream of a church that celebrates the arts and looks for creative ways to engage our culture, a church willing to cross traditional lines and take significant risks to bring Jesus into the public square.
We dream of a church whose people are a multiplying movement of disciples of Jesus Christ, disciples who look like Jesus, love like Jesus, live like Jesus.
(for more on New City's Mission and Vision)