Monday, January 28, 2008

This week's message gives us an opportunity to talk about NCCd's missiology and ecclesiology. We'll compare Attractional Church and Missional Church. I'll be posting more on the subject this week, but for now - below is a quote from Alan Hirsch that might be a helpful step in understanding the differences.

Essentially, attractional church operates from the assumption that to bring people to Jesus we need to first bring them to church. It also describes the type or mode of engagement that was birthed during the Christendom period of history, when the church was perceived as a central institution of society and therefore expected people to 'come and hear the gospel' rather than taking a 'go-to-them' type of mentality (missional church). Alan Hirsch, 'The Forgotten Ways, Brazos Press
Here are some eralier posts on the subject: