Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Missional Dating...

I got a great e-mail today from Greg Wood. Greg and Wendy (along with their 2 boys) are helping kick off New City Church. Greg and Wendy have really come to understand that part of being Christ followers means being about his mission - redeeming people. They understand that the mission of NCCd (to see the Gospel transform everything within our reach - ourselves, our church, our city, and the world) is more than words on paper and it is their own mission. Here's a part of that e-mail:

Yesterday was Wendy’s birthday, and I offered to either bring in some food for us to have a romantic supper at the house or take the boys with us to Carrabba’s. I thought she’d choose to eat at the house. Here’s what she told me: “I definitely don’t want to eat at the house, I want to eat there and have the opportunity to minister [to the waitresses].”

Isn’t that cool!?! I was so proud of her. And we were so blessed to get to continue a relationship with a waitress there. We met her a few months back. She’s not going to church, and knows we give big tips. She asked to wait our table last night, and swapped out with the waiter we were assigned.

Praise God for a missional wife!

Praise God for a missional family! Thanks for sharing that Greg and Wendy and for letting us see a glimpse of God's story of redemption lived out in and through you.