Monday, May 21, 2007

A day in the life...

Tonight is the night the elders meet to discuss the church's involvement in New City's future. I really have no clear idea as to how the discussion will go. It is natural to have some degree of fear when it comes to the unknown - let's look at this practically -
We don't have a savings account to fall back on,
My wife stays home with our children and home schools - there is no other income
We have bills
We eat food
Our vehicles run on gas (a growing cost!)
Our children are growing and require clothes
We need to go to the doctor and dentist occasionally
Ivey is getting ready for braces to make her smile even prettier
There is the very real possibility that I won't be receiving it from here for much longer and have no idea from whence it will come.
(I do better when I just don't think about it)
And yet, I know - deep down inside -
I know that He is faithful.
I know that He will provide.
I know that I am His, and we are His
And we love Him -
And He is working all things together for good
I know that without faith it is impossible to please Him
I know that He is able to do far more than I can begin to imagine
I know that it is in these times of trouble - when we cry out to Him, and He rescues us that He is most glorified
I know that the cost will be well worth the joy set before me
I know that
and yet there remains a nagging fear.
I watched a little of Braveheart this weekend - I love that movie! I have read that armies feared the Celts in battle because they fought naked and rushed into battle screaming at the top of their lungs. I want to do that - maybe not the naked part - I want to run into this battle screaming at the top of my lungs - because God is able and my faith is strong.

I bet they were a little fearful too.