Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's next?

That's a question I have been getting a lot - so what's next?
May 30th I will be at the Ga Baptist Convention (GBC) in Atlanta for church planter orientation and "pre-assessment." This is a 1 dayer and if I pass this step as a church planter I will attend GBC church plant training July 9-12.
The GBC and North American Mission Board (NAMB) work together to help planters. Financially it could mean as much as $5,000 toward start up costs and as much as $9,600 per year for 2 years to help with the pastor's salary. There are also other grants available for land and building purchases.
I am also working on paperwork for the Acts 29 church planting network. If I make it thru the 1st phases here, I will attend Acts 29 Boot Camp Sept 19-20. Acts 29 financial help is on a case by case basis.
Both networks offer more than just financial help - there is coaching help as well as other resources and accountability.

On the Mabel White front, I am pushing that this be made public ASAP! I hope that an announcement can come the 1st Sunday in June as Pastor David is away this Sunday. This will allow me to speak freely about the plant in the downtown community and begin working with a printer and mailer on fliers. It would also allow me to seek support from entities like New Town Macon and the Downtown Council.

So - WE'RE OFF - yes I am still a little nervous, but ready to see what God is going to do!