Monday, August 20, 2007

Church Planting - A Family Adventure!

The following post comes from my wonderful bride. I am so thankful that God gave her to me!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Lord Will Provide
I have to share with you that God is amazing. The farther into this church plant that we go, the more I see that it is for His glory. I mean every step that is taken, every need that is met, every person that is touched is all for God's glory. He is doing everything in such a way that is only God...only God could orchestrate all of this.!! Yesterday, Keith was a little nervous about all of the unknowns and the first service quickly approaching. He just was a bit anxious. So, we talked about all of the things that needed to get done, the items that still need to be purchased and it was a rather long list. Then this morning we were talking about big things that we needed to order (divider curtains for the children area) and some other things. We discussed how much money was available to use and all of that. Well, he left for work with uncertainty about how we were going to pay for the big items and well...God already had that figured out and taken care of. Before lunch Keith knew that we had the $ to order these much needed dividers. He also has blessed us with someone who can help look over the technical stuff and help decide what else we will need for that area. AND, someone donated two large brewers for our coffee bar! - no way - I mean God is taking care of each area, one step at a time, one day at a time and He is not one bit anxious about any of it. You Go God! You are AWESOME!! You are INCREDIBLE! After all You are the I AM!!!! It also reminds me of when God called Moses, it was God who did all of the amazing things, He only required Moses to be obedient, it was the same when Abraham was called to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. He was required to obey and God did the rest, He provided the lamb.Wow, what a day in this adventure. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I also thought it was pretty cool that when I was doing my bible study today that I read the verses in Genesis 22 and when I got to verse 14 it said The Lord Will Provide! I thought it was pretty neat that I read that today. Just a simple reminder for me. So, I probably don't have to tell you that Keith came in on a cloud this afternoon all smiles. (See, I told you :) )