Thursday, August 23, 2007

A New City Story in the Making

New City Church's purpose is to see the gospel transform everything within our reach - ourselves, our church, our city, and the world. One of the statements describing our vision states: We dream of a church that celebrates the arts and looks for creative ways to engage our culture, a church willing to cross traditional lines and take significant risks to bring Jesus into the public square. Engaging our culture.

As our band has been taking form, one of our band members introduced us to a friend of his who plays acoustic guitar and sings. The discussion before she ever came centered on whether or not we would have band members who may not be followers of Christ. We agreed that we would be willing to take that chance for her sake - hoping and praying that the words of the songs and the fellowship of the band might be just what God would use to draw her to himself. She came to practice, unsure that she would "fit in." She did "fit in." She had not been in church in 25 years - she stopped going to the Catholic church as soon as she could. And so week after week she has come to practice and sing some very Christ centered songs, even purchasing some cds on her own to hear more music. This week I received an e-mail from her. Here's what it said in part:
hey chuck, i've been thinking it over ... anyways i've decided that after the first church service that i would start going to church with my boyfriend and his boys. this means i am having to back out on playing and just try to learn more about what all this worship music is about. i kinda feel like a hypocrite up there. i'm having a great time but this is what i feel like i must do.

Her boyfriend is a follower of Christ. He e-mailed
She told me she doesn't understand the meanings of many of the songs... At this point she spends a lot of time asking questions about Christianity in general.

For her, a new journey has begun. God has stirred in her a new desire and given her (I pray) a new heart. I am glad we took the chance. I am glad to be a part of God's great and eternal Redemption Story. I can't wait to see what's on the next page! I can't wait to see this transformation as it takes place.