Monday, August 13, 2007

What's In Your Church?

I probably spend too much time on this, but I often find myself looking at the many pages of church websites from all over the country. I especially like to check out young churches and church plants. I think that you can learn a great deal about what's inside a church by checking out its web site. Here are some observations:
What beliefs does the church hold to? I am amazed at the number of churches that tell you all about the activities and atmosphere of the church, but nothing about what it believes. This always leads me to conclude that maybe beliefs aren't important to that church.
Do you find Christ or the Gospel ever mentioned? I am also surprised on this one. Again I often find much on activities and atmosphere, but nothing on Jesus! A good atmosphere is good (yes I meant to use good twice), but atmospheres don't really transform - Christ does! Sometimes it almost seems as if the churches intentionally avoid the name of Christ and the Gospel. I wonder, are they ashamed of the gospel?

I just read 14 plus clicks of one church plant's site - I think Jesus was mentioned once and God was mentioned 3 times. Not one orthodox belief was mentioned, neither was the gospel. There was a great deal mentioned about how much you will enjoy being there - but little more. It saddens me because there are a lot of people at this church, enjoying being there - great, but are they hearing and seeing the gospel of Jesus Christ? Its good, I guess, to go to church - but is it really church without Christ? Is it really good if there is no true transformation?

What are we "advertising"? What are we "selling"?
If it isn't Jesus Christ, and the transforming power of the gospel, then what separates us from every other cult, community group, or club?

Some people think that I am just rebelling against "traditional church" with the planting of New city Church downtown - not true. I am rebelling against the departure of churches from Jesus Christ and the life changing power of the gospel! Sometimes that happens in traditional churches, sometimes in young churches and even church plants.

So - What's in your church?