Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tuesday Prayer - Wednesday Answers

On Tuesday night we prayed for many, many things, and many people. I asked our group of committed to be in prayer for 2 specifics:
(1) Workers - we are expecting a BIG turnout for our 1st service and will need help. I asked our people to listen out for Sunday School classes and churches that may offer help. We prayed that God would raise up those groups.
Wednesday night before our service I was approached by someone from Mabel White who said that their Sunday School class had talked and wanted to help us for those first months, if we needed it! I later had 2 individuals offer the same. I am amazed.
(2) Partners - I am working on a 2 to 3 year plan for the church which anticipates expenses and giving. We will need some help! I am hoping that we can put together 10 partnerships with other churches and/or individuals who will buy into the visio and mission and commit to support our start. I asked our people to pray for those partners and we did Tuesday night.
Wednesday afternoon I received a check in the mail for $300 from a friend who hasa church home but believes in our vision! I also received a call from someone else who wanted to know where they should send a check.
I don't know how God's sovereignty and our prayers work together. But I am amazed, overwhelmed, and humbled by his provision and for answered prayer.
So New City - know that God is mighty, that he hears our prayers, and answers according to his will! Be encouraged in the place he is taking us!