Monday, August 27, 2007

Praying for this week

Just a quick note here on some things to be praying for:

* Tomorrow our mailer should go out to about 10,000 homes. Pray that God will use the mailer to reach middle Georgia.

* We have a 1/4 page ad coming out in the next issue of The 11th Hour. Pray as well, that God would use that ad to reach 11th Hour readers in middle Georgia. (The b&w pic is the ad)

* Wednesday, Amy's dad has surgery in Atl for his liver cancer. The docs in Atl believe that they can remove the cancer by removing a good bit of Lynn's liver. Pray for the surgery and Lynn's healing.

* Thursday I meet with a local Pastor who is considering some sort support for New City. I know that he and the church have a real heart for reaching people with the Gospel and for church planting. One of the really cool God things here is that this would be the third denomination supporting New City in some way.

* Continue to pray with me for the city of Macon and the middle Georgia area. I am regularly amazed at the lack of understanding that we have here when it comes to the Gospel. It seems that we are a very religious city, but so far from the relationship that the is offered in Christ.

Thanks for your support and prayers.