Sunday, April 22, 2007

Back from Mexico

Here's a few pics and then a thought or 2...

Nicole taking a little play break with the kids.

This is Sol (he's the big guy) doing what he does best - sharing Christ with patients! Sol is from Texas and often works with the Thompsons in Mexico.

Here's Dr. Murphy doing an eye exam.

This is Nicole and Christi getting some basic info for 1 of the clinic patients.
I suppose we saw a total of 100 or so in the 2 day clinic. Usually a general doc is on hand and the #s are higher (depending on the docs sometimes 500 to 600). Still, it was a good couple of days. Many were prayed with and all were prayed for. Most heard the gospel, and all saw Christ incarnate - in Rea and Judy Thompson, in Dr. Medina, and Dr. Murphy, in Nicole, and Christi, in all the volunteers at the clinic, and hopefully in me.
I love these trips - not so much for what i do, I can do very little to impact the lives of the people in Nuevo Progresso, Mexico, but because of what God does. And He always does great things! Even now, He is working in the hearts and minds of the 4 from Mabel White who made the trip. And I pray that He is working in the lives of those who heard and saw Christ.
I love these trips, but it sure is good to be home!