Friday, April 6, 2007

Calling all warriors...

TNT showed Braveheart not long ago - watched it with my 9 year old son, Robby - he loved it! One of the things that strikes me about the movie is the power of vision. For vision, people are willing to fight, to sacrifice, to die. Without vision, people wither and die for nothing. Here's a little of my vision for the church to come...

It is our dream that __________________________________ church be a people engaging its culture at work, at play, and in worship.

We dream of a church that shapes culture, not runs from it or chases after it.

We dream of a church that celebrates the arts and looks for creative ways to engage our culture, a church willing to cross traditional lines and take significant risks to bring Jesus into the public square.

We dream of a church with multiple campuses, each campus strategically placed to engage our culture.

We dream of a church engaged in planting new churches that will engage cultures around the world.

We dream of a church whose people are a multiplying movement of disciples of Jesus Christ, disciples who look like Jesus, love like Jesus, live like Jesus.

We dream of a church where people connect in authentic relationships and nurturing small groups to love one another, encourage one another, buildup one another and serve one another, the community, and the world.
Let me know your thoughts.